The InnerCircleTrader & Trading Fx Like The Institutions

So why did your Sensi leave here on first place. I think I read in the thread he was member here before.

why so much focus on ict as a person than his concepts? foolish people who focus on him and miss the bigger picture.

The focus is on track record and proof of it. Thats the big pitcure.
All this other stuff the followers r putting out is not about the big picture.
What can I ask respectfully do u think the big picture should be or is?

His concepts are nothing new.

Why can’t you all negative guys take a naked chart and study where price bounce and change direction from? Maybe you will get a ahhhhaaaa experience.
PS. Start with 15 min :slight_smile:

Lol, that’s FX 101.

r u kidding me. thats basic PA.
If I may ask how long have u been trading

@ saeed you havent answered my question. I am trying to keep a open mind but no one will answer a question. Its like listening to a pol giving a answer.

It wont change the way I trade but I think there r a lot of new traders here that can be easily swayed so the questions need answering since the thing that would shut us all up is to post results.

Even if info is free and more power to him if his trading is real.
Laoits been said that those that teach cant and thats true a lot but how about the students putting up the proof ?

This thread has caused quite a stir! I am anxious to see if this dude can deliver. Good luck, mate.

Sorry man - I won free 1 hr session, and I wasn’t worth the time. What’s changed?

Nothing seems to have changed in Babypips

If you hear something plz post!

I’ve been trading since 1983 and earned money all Years except 1997 when I lost abou 1k USD :slight_smile: How long have you been trading and can you live from the income it gives? I have since 2004

your a joke

and still no proof… please dont talk so much

The spotlight isn’t on him this time around though, it’s on you lot too.
Most of you have been exposed to this supposed top quality tuition for 5 years now & here you all are trudging back onto the forum doing his bidding (as instructed) paving the way for his grand entrance.

However, it’s now time for you star students to validate his credentials.
Because if, as you claim, he’s the best coach/mentor on the web, then you’ll have no problem verifying that claim by showing interested parties you’re all proficient & extremely confident in replicating his tools.

The only way the detractors on here are going to be satisfied you’re not telling porkies or still spinning a line is by producing your broker statements or providing 3rd party verification results.

The time for bragging, boasting & arguing is over.

It’s now time to step up to the plate & show all the naysayers this stuff is actually worth paying attention to.
Because the proof of this pudding is in the eating & you’re the ones supposedly digesting it.

So who’s going to be the first to submit their evidence?

It’s not him who needs to deliver though, it’s his students.
He’s the teacher is he not?

He had plenty of opportunity to “deliver” the last time he was on here & apparently he’s supposed to have been “delivering” in his new locations for the past 4 or 5 years by instructing, coaching & directing these loyal followers.

All the naysayers are now expecting a good percentage of them to take up the slack & shove all these negative comments back down their throats.
They’re the ones making a big fuss about his credentials, so presumably all this praise is well founded.

Well, let’s see just how impressive a mentor he really is when they all begin presenting their broker/fxbook stats.

Regardless, he came back lying already.

I’m on the institutional side of money management. It requires Federal licensing. That information is then available to the public.

FINRA Broker Check.

A losing coach still knows enough to teach the team how to play the game.

All of you are so desperate to obtain wealth that you will bypass all rationale logic in pursuit of financial gains that never seem to come to fruition.

Let’s focus on

No, the futile pursuit is trying to get so much as even 1 or 2 of you drones to put [B]your[/B] results where [B]his[/B] mouth is.

It was only a matter of time before the usual excuses began to trot out.
The faceless troll thing works both ways though p*ssy cat, so instead of trying to wriggle out of it, just post up your stats & validate his training credentials.

There’s only one reason why you won’t or can’t do that though :slight_smile: