The InnerCircleTrader & Trading Fx Like The Institutions

And it’s not as though he doesn’t have form for that either.

I’m not making any assumptions at all pu*sy cat.
I’m simply repeating the request of others on here regards you lot showing other interested newbies considering investing time & effort in this character, to validate his coaching skills.

The easiest, simplest & most efficient way of proving to other newbies he’s worth the bother is by showing them your profitable track record via broker or fxbook statements.

There’s only [B][U]one[/U][/B] reason however why you (& others) won’t or can’t comply with that simple request :slight_smile:
And the more you lot wriggle & squirm when requested to do so, hopefully will prompt newer members to dig a little deeper before wasting any of their time & energy on this lying show pony.

If you think for one minute folks are going to ease up & let you lot run amok on here for the 2nd time without proving his coaching credentials, you can think again matey.
We’ll be on your backs 24/7 until a few of you step up & prove you’re able to translate any of what he teaches into a profitable track record.

Wow! Last time I was here, the thread was only 6 pages or so! Lets make it 12. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heres page 12 for you
Now it just needs the OP to actually do something

Yes the reason is simple: ICT students don’t want trolls to make money with his teachings thats why i would never post my % returns. If i was ICT I wouldn’t even consider coming back here…

Wow, my mind is officially blown. I haven’t been on this site in like 2 years, and still this dude is pedalling his nonsense! “Managing funds” HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Thankfully in that space of time, I have discovered the truth about FX trading, and no amount of crap that this dude spouts could ever change that reality. ICT my old friend, institutional traders find you hilarious… keep on keeping on hahaha!!!

This might clear it out for some…to bad those who needs it the most will never realize it…

Makes me smile seeing that the creators of this “…how difficulties in recognizing ones own incompetence…” chart are incapable of spelling “Know”

I absolutely love how the thread started off with the typical hype(delusionment)/skepticism and has already fizzed down to where his faithful followers claim they “don’t care about Michael himself, just his concepts”.

Students don’t want other people to make money with his teachings… but his teachings are free?
As if learning the materials were so easy that a troll could do it. The logic used is here is astoundingly low.

Yeah maby you are right I’m low, but to make money i dont need to have your IQ :))

The creator just proven his/her chart to be spot on! :wink: and that wasn’t me :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow read all the post so far and well, gee wiz, thought I had problems. Now I feel all warm and good about myself. I do know some things but. No 1, trade like someone else - what an absolutely absurd idea. Share your knowledge bro but don’t tell me how to trade. I mean come on people, can any of us really teach any of us anything that with a bit of hard work and research we can find out for ourselves for free. Pop quiz, who said this

"There are a lot of individuals who try to sell themselves and their advice as “expert.” Don’t blindly accept the advice of these self-proclaimed experts. The best advice comes from those who aren’t selling it, and who make their money trading. There are many books and biographies that give insights into the habits of those who have been-or who are- successful traders.

Learning how to be a good trader-or even an excellent trader-is possible, but it requires a lot of hard work and a healthy dose of skepticism. For those of us who have chose this path, the journey never ends. Those who continue to be successful will never reach their destination, but will learn to find joy in the journey itself"

Hahahaha! Well aren’t you cute :slight_smile: Failed student, hahaha! Failed at ICT’s methods, without question, yes! But failed overall? hahaha!!

My friend, do yourself a favour and speak to a real trader in person, as in someone from an investment bank. I dare you to do it and report their views on your hero’s methods.

Hmmm, and I’ve noticed this pattern enough times - there always ends up being all these cute people joining the forum the same time as ICT makes a new thread. Coincidence? Most certainly not.

Are you also going the way of Piphanger? You’re showing the signs.

Hahahaha!!! If memory serves me correctly, was that the one where you admitted afterwards that you doctored the image, in Microsoft Paint no less! :smiley: oh the hilarity is being reignited, I can feel it! :smiley: What a nice day to stop by BP again, hahaha!

[QUOTE=“PureMuscle;702759”] there always ends up being all these cute people joining the forum the same time as ICT makes a new thread. Coincidence? Most certainly not.[/QUOTE]

I noticed that too when I was PanzerCat’s posts.

Of course can’t prove it, but in my eyes clearly it’s a puppet account.

Good answer saeed. It shows who the joke is.
Can u answer yet ?
Didnt think so. dont bother unless u can. Have good weekend buddy think hard

Because u cant trade on your own. And your just all sheep lol lol.
too funny ill might come back monday for more laughs.:18:

It sucks that the avid defenders of ICT’s reputation will eventually face the hard reality that they’re being childish and their methods are much more simple than they want to think. It’s embarrassing to even watch unfold.