The Koala System ( Newbie Friendly )

April 26 (Bloomberg) – Greece moved toward securing an emergency aid package before debt payments come due in mid-May as Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou warned investors they will “lose their shirts” if they bet the cash-strapped nation will default.

Thanks. I’ll read on the article.
Maybe in future, when the prices goes way below (or above the few recent lines) i’ll check notes with yours.

hey buddy… you know me… i will always try my best to assist!

Hi all, find below the latest The Koala System Weekly Review from my blog posted here for your convenience!

Good day fellow users of The Koala System.

I hope you had a fruitful week.

In the previous review, we noted that the patience of users were tested as we had only one standard opportunity. While there were two more risky opportunities to be squeezed, i mentioned that this is not the preferred way to use The Koala System. The market now is in a rather challenging period and the low rate of success is probably not isolated with The Koala System only.

This week brought us two standard opportunities.

During the early part of the week, price action was slow and weak. The Koala System served us well, displaying signs of no trading. ( Flipping koalas and price cutting through the koalas ) During such slow trading sessions, the price can go either way and hence staying out will be a wise choice. The majority of the market was probably concerned about the meeting of the officials of Greece, the European Commission, ECB and IMF.

While there were two risky opportunities ( Triangle ) to be attempted, my opinion remains that it is not advisable unless you are employing strict proper money management and a seasoned trader.

Towards the end of the week, concerns regarding the Greek deficit crisis grew so strong that the EUR/USD went as low as 1.32 +/-. This was probably due to risk aversion. Prior to that move, falling sentiments gave us the first standard opportunity. ( Circle )

Worried of having unsustainable borrowing costs, Greece requested for a bail out towards the end of the week and that improved sentiments. The train up gave us the second standard opportunity.

Despite challenging conditions, The Koala System served us well. Stay true to it and you will find success. Remember forex is for the long run.

Trade safely and i will see you soon :slight_smile:

Read the EUR/USD Weekly review for a heads up!

p/s do kindly rate this thread if i am doing a good job… at least i know i am not being an irritating koala :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, a cute koala is never irritating. :slight_smile: Get well soon. I hope you’d still be around while taking things easy. :wink:

thank you forex babe :slight_smile:

made some gains just now after the theprice go below 1.3360, yup ur red line works like magic!! i Tp about 15pips above 1.3285.

Btw, about the S&R lines lets talk about 1.3285.
can u specifically share how you got 1.3285?

  1. Which were the few dates that you saw the price reaction for this?
  2. On weekly or daily chart?
  3. And how u calculate to get this price? (you’ve mention you took the mid level of price reaction).

Maybe this can be an example?

My problem is, on a weekly/daily timeframe, price movement per bar is too hugh. so it’s hard to calculate.
The range can be 200pips range!!!

So now the line broke below 1.32, whats next?
My guess is next line would be 1.3030?

I have a Buy Stop in place at 1.3220, 06:15 CDT. This is just above a resistance line at .3217. 50 p. TP & SL We shall see!

07:00 - I was able to grab 8 pips, missed the high at.xx39. With Germany playing hardball with the Greeks I will hold off buying until PA crosses the 200MA. Or maybe just sit this out until after all of the announcements and press conferences have run their course.

Hi Mr Koala, U’ve mentioned 1.3090 is the next line?
Can show us how u get that?

This strategy does seem to work on other major pairs during the NY session but I won’t derail this thread by discussing that. I’m too old to get up in the middle of the night to trade London, but that’s where the money is, and I’m willing to lower my expectations so as to trade NY.

hi dobro… i am fine if you want to discuss other threads… as long as it is The Koala System… its cool… at the end of the day… my hope is simply for all to not lose money from poor trades against trend …

hi fxster… i am very sorry i have not got back to you… i have been very busy with my work and my blog… i promise you once i am available, i will show u ok?

The bullish close seems to suggest that the EUR/USD is not ready to go lower. What do you think?

With the turmoil in the EUnion I plan to lower my risks & stay close to the computer - gotta love those sound alerts in MT4.


I am very new to this, have had one margin call and a few bad weeks, but it seem as it is turning.
The Koala System look very similar to my own I have mapped out this very week. I use MAC D and RSI to check against.

yeah basically IT IS ALL ABOUT GREECE :stuck_out_tongue:

hey buddy welcome… i am sorry u had margin call… if you need help with proper money management, go to my blog to read up…

To koala Fxster and all…

as i promised to Fxster, find below the research i did when determining the new potential S/R line of 1.3090 on my EUR/USD Daily reviews… do note it is not 100% accurate more of just a guide… notice how the currency pair interacts near it… the left of the chart is 2006. I basically took the average of that region and hence do not expect single pip precision !

Next week a lot of news!! Monday is holiday, so are Tue and Wed for the Jap. Do u think there gonna be any opportunity?

ABout greece, it’s getting buddy up with iceland. 10% unemplyment while had to reduce whole lot of budget deficit. only Zues can help her!!!

holiday may bring flat price action or crazy momentum … these two extremes… be careful! i cant seem to make the chart bigger… but you can see those interactions?