The Koala System ( Newbie Friendly )

Hi all, find below the latest The Koala System Weekly Review from my blog posted here for your convenience!

Good day users of The Koala System.

I hope your weekend is wonderful so far.

In the last review, price action was slow and weak at first and The Koala System fulfilled it’s duty by showing signs of no trading. ( Flipping koalas and price cutting through the koalas ) Price action did eventually pick up and concerned about having unsustainable borrowing costs, Greece requested for a bail out near the end of the week. Sentiments improved. A total of 2 risky opportunities and 2 standard opportunities were presented.

The week brought us choppy price actions. With the Greece deficit crisis on the main stage, investors were apprehensive and concerned. Choppy conditions are not optimal for The Koala System. The system is mainly a guide to trade with the trend. Choppy conditions are not trending conditions.

In the first part of the week, two risky opportunities were observed. Once again i do not encourage excessive risky during trading and you should only think of attempting so when you have proper money management. Towards the late second day, continued concerns on Germany’s apparent reluctance to partake in the aid solution brought the Euro down. Along so, a standard opportunity was available for harvest. After which, the currency pair slipped back into choppy conditions.

In the later part of the week, sentiments slowly improved and the EUR/USD rose and hovered around the 200EMA. Early Friday, a standard opportunity presented itself. After which the currency pair went back into choppy conditions before closing for the week.

Many folks have been writing to me that having a lower take profit level may help. For example 30pips. While this may be true, we have to adjust our take profit and stop loss ratio too to maintain a practical ratio. I am looking into this myself and i welcome your feedback in the forums.

Do read the latest EUR/USD Weekly Review for a heads up.

Trade safely and remember making money in forex is never easy!

Anyway to make the chart bigger?

wat is the next line below 1.3090 then?
Mine is 1.2940. just checking notes.

Anyone manage to ride the boat down the waterfall today??

I didn’t manage to catch it!! It all happen when i was on my way to work. It was too fast too furious!!! Should have put pending orders before going out from home…sob…sob…

HEY !!! fxster koala buddy… mine is 1.2950 cool :slight_smile:

Thanks, will check notes with you again.

just a word of caution buddy… 1.3000 being a round number, is a natural strong line… just be careful ok?

Yeah I caught that ride for about 120 pips, got out happy after some brief retracement. Didn’t really need the koala system for this one though.

Good catch!!
I only manage to go in at the last milefor 30pips only, and i setted a TP 1.3156 before i go to bed, just 2pips above the lowest yesterday. phew!!

Thanks buddy!!

Mr Koala, u’ve mentioned in ur blog next bearish is “1.3000/[U][B]250[/B][/U]”.

Do u mean 1.2500? That’s 500pips below 1.3000!! Typo due to not enuf sleep?

I remember u mentioned the next line is 1.2950 rite?
After that is 1.2910?

ARrrgghhh yeS! i am drifting into unconsicousness … it is 1.2950!

the prices are moving faster than we speak.

Maybe u can tell us wat is the next 5 lines below 1.2950?

Can’t imagine when will the price stop moving down, stabilise or reverse upwards.

It’s like going out to big ocean at night. Should i keep going or should i turn back. The edge can be very near, yet it can be very far. can’t see anything.

it is crazy right?? the Greece problem is really BIG TIME… if this goes lower, soon we will be in “uncharted” waters

Bloomberg : Greek Protests Leave 3 Dead, Buildings Burning. Why must all this sadness happen … SIGH

haha…that’s a good one. can’t really describe it better

Hi Koala801,

I have been reading these forums for quite a bit, but just recently signed up. Your system is very intriguing and looking back at the charts seems extremely profitable. However, I am having difficulty with the entry point of a trade. On a demo account I followed the instructions and entered a trade, it went down only maybe a couple pips and then shot back up. It was a fakeout for sure. How do you know that those really really good, non risky trades are coming, rather than the risky ones?


P.S. You seem to put a lot of work into what your system which is quite admirable. You should setup an account on zulutrade, that way people can follow you and you can make more money from yours and their success.

Cheers and Goodluck!

i guess there’s no 100% in this world.
Besides 3koalas, there is also news event to avoid, and his S&R red lines to lookout for…
Nonetheless, with all these, trades are definitely no 100%.

No offence Mr Koala, i do look at ur weekly review on the koala system just for reference, but i wonder is the black/triangle circle is made before knowing the result or after the result. u know what i mean?

However, having all said, i do respect u for your hardwork and sharing of knowledge. U definitely did a good job. bravo!! And 80% of your advice does helps a lot.

Keep up the good work and lets keep the discussions going.

Yesterday was crazy!! i made 100pips during my sleep, as a put in a sell stop way below, didn’t expect it to be touch. then i zoom rite down to my 100 pips TP.

Too bad i only put at small size, since it was a pending order.

Mr Koala’s way of identifying S&R lines did work for me.

Hi fxster, no problem for your questions you are most welcome because there is nothing for me to hide…

i did mentioned before that these reviews are only made at the end of the week. The idea of this review is not to tell you " oh you see The Koala System produced these signals " because the very purpose of this system is to help you learn forex and prevent you from trading against the trend. Not to provide you with free signals to trade because i personally believe that there is no holy grail…

Therefore my hope and objective for every review is to learn together what was the best way to have traded in the past week so that we can become better traders… hence as many know my motto of my website is Learning Forex Together :stuck_out_tongue:

We are in this together to prevent the horrors of margin calls! Hope this clarifies dear koala fxster…

yup, i know that.
it’s about learning. no such thing as holy grail.
but ironicaly we under the main thread of “holy Grail”…hahaha…