The Koala System ( Newbie Friendly )

lol yah fxster muahahaha

anyway i want to talk you for being so supportive of the thread here… without you it will be so quiet heehee

stay tuned for the review later in the day… ( p/s the gap today… woah )

Hi all, find below the latest The Koala System Weekly Review from my blog posted here for your convenience!

Good day fellow users of The Koala System.

How was your weekend? I hope it was good. On a side note, the EUR/USD opened today with a forex gap and i hope no one got a margin call because of this.

In the last weekly review, we noted choppy conditions mainly because the of Greece deficit crisis. As The Koala System is a system to help trade with the trend, it would not perform well in choppy conditions. However what i like about this forex system is that it helps to identify no trading zones too, reminding us to stay out of harm’s way.

This week, the EUR/USD was mainly bearish due to the escalating concerns over the Greece deficit crisis and it’s implications on Europe. The week began with Monday being a bank holiday for a number of countries including Britain. As London is a major forex market, the absence of it gave us low trading volumes as seen by the flat price action. The Koala System correctly identified it by showing a no trade zone signal.

The first standard opportunity came on Tuesday as markets come back from the holiday. The EUR/USD slipped lower on concerns over the Greece deficit crisis. This opportunity was a potential winner if you had a proper trailing stop loss.

The next opportunity came on Thursday before the EUR/USD was overwhelmed with negative sentiments and risk aversion. It tested the low of 1.2520+/-.

On Friday, we had a last opportunity for harvest before we close for the week. That was a bounce of the 200 EMA as the price consolidated for the Friday close.

Overall, the week was a trending bearish week and this could be seen from the price action staying below the 200 EMA for most of the time. Unfortunately due to the spiky reactions from the various developments, the harvest potential was limited. Having said so, when did you ever see the price move in a straight slope? :stuck_out_tongue:

Trade safely and read the EUR/USD Weekly Review for a heads up.

I just closed the E/$ for +35 p. & the $/chf for +15 p. Nice morning for a change. I have too much going on today so I gladly closed up shop and will look in again later today. Good trading all. d.

sounds good indeed… cool! i hope not many was caught by the gap… i did warn on my blog on tuesday…sigh

darn it.
it was a breakeven day for me.
i sold EU wen it went below 200EMA, but it retraced back up by 5opips and touch my SL.
Then i wen in sell again at higher pricce and made 50pips.

I think my mistake is i didn’t respected the 1.2800 line, thinking the downride boat would easily break it, but either the wall is pretty hard or the boat lost momentum, it went back up, then pick up a momentum and break it down at last.

fxster koala did you do well yesterday? ( the flat period ) remember The Koala System hates flats! btw on my local news LOL " Euro which was intended to replace the US Dollar can’t even save itself " muahahaha

this was a bad week for me.
made a nett loss of 86pips so far on Tuesday itself.
no trade for Wednesday.
tried to put in a sell stop yesterday at 1.2520 (just try my luck), but it expired, before the price managed to touch it. Good thing, cos it didn’t moved much after that.

How bout ur week so far?
i think i never heard bout ur actual trades before

i think you will be bored with mine… i am a patience koala… for me, i harvested 30 pips from yesterday’s slide around 1.2560 slightly risky… hence 30 pips closed


sigh…another SL taken up by a retraction.
i gues even 50 pips SL is not enuf to counter a retraction.
looks like this week i’ve sufferred above 100pips loss!!!

oh dear… fxster… is it all on koala system or also other types of trading?

yes, all koala system.
don’t get me wrong, i’m not blaming the hardworking koalas.
i think somne of it results from not respecting the red lines.
and some of it taken out by retracements (on SL of 30 to 50pips) before going back the way i’ve tradeed…

i see… u know i hope all koalas are sucessful… yes the s/r lines can be crucials… btw for the retracement… why dont u try a tighter TP ? or before entry, u see a lower timeframe like M5 if the koalas are signaling ok too?

yup, 5M too.
in terms of TP it depends on sitution. if i see the next line far away i put 50pips, if tight i put 30pips, but anyting lower makes the win loss ratio not worth it.

manage to make 30pips, altho can actually make 50pips if i’m more aggresive.
I guess the losses last week made me chicken out.

Mr koala, do u think there’s any limit on the EU drop??
My next support is 1.2000!!!
can’t see any support in between.

1.2200 can be a support… remember usually round numbers have a certain amt of influence… you saw my latest weekly review? i circled… btw review will be up tomorrow… something crop up in family :frowning:

Hey sorry buddy, seems like a bad family day for you.
Come back here wen ur free after u settled ur stuff.
Whatever happen, good luck and take k ya

thanks you are a good buddy

Hi all, find below the latest The Koala System Weekly Review from my blog posted here for your convenience!

Good day forex traders.

Did your Koala System performed well last week? Hope it did.

In the last review, we saw the EUR/USD giving us bearish moves due to the escalating concerns over the Greece deficit crisis and it’s implications on Europe. The system identified No Trading Zones correctly especially on Monday being a bank holiday for a number of countries. The Koala System identified 3 standard opportunities.

The bullish relief at the start of the trading week gave us an opportunity to harvest 50 pips. After which, the EUR/USD reached a tipping point and was overcome by bearish sentiments. Late in the same day, we were presented with another standard opportunity to enter a trade. This was probably a trade of patience as the price action slowly slipped lower.

Just before the midweek, we had another opportunity as part of the bearish moves. Nowadays individual moves are rather tight. Therefore i am looking into smaller take profit values like 30. pips. The currency pair went into no trading zone next and the last opportunity came at the end of the week before the drop to test 1.2330+/-.

The Koala System gave us 4 standard opportunities this week as a result of a rather trending EUR/USD. As the currency pair moves into record lows, we may see spikes and wild ranging action. Make use of the 200EMA as we can see it’s usefulness above. Do plan your trades carefully.

Trade Safely. Read the latest EUR/USD Weekly Review for a heads up!

is anyone trying TP 30 instead?