The problem is GOD yes or no?

Yes, America Media don’t feel the need to cover such stories but I’m sure the media is those countries will cover the story, we have our own issues

I think there is a difference between religion and what people do “in the name of religion”.

There is no doubt that a very large portion of asylum-seekers are not fleeing from fear, rather they are fortune-hunters seeking an instant better life in the wealthy nations.

It is no secret that amongst these people there is a very active network on social media reporting on the status and changes in all the various target countries covering what welfare benefits are available, how the vetting processes function, how long they last and their typical success rate, etc, etc.

However, these issues are only the surface of the problem. The real problem, in my opinion, lies at the interface of the resident population v. the newcomers.

Whatever a country’s policies might be, it does not change the embedded fear and distrust and unwillingness amongst its population associated with the inevitable changes that significant immigration bring with it.

This is amply visible with underlying problems amongst 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants and not just those that arrive somewhere.

I think it is clearly understandable that whilst most people will accomodate a minor influx of a foreign culture, they will fear and resent it if it poses a threat of becoming the dominant culture. This fear and resentment will often turn to repression, containment and rejection. This, alongside the underlying resentment of having to use national resources (i.e. “my tax monies”) to support them, clearly makes their lives and chances of full integration even harder.

Integration into a society does not have to mean change. It just means learning to live together with differences. I.e. the normal human qualities of mutual understanding and support.

However, this does not happen and the pressures build up, create divisions and self-defensiveness - and eventually break loose out of all proportion to whatever catalyst causes it.

Religion has a role in this, but it is human nature at the heart of it whether the label is religion of not.

Just going with the flow, friend, going with the flow! :slight_smile:

Personally, I enjoy listening to everyone’s thoughts in these matters.

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@SovoS The difference between religion and what people do “in the name of religion” is nothing but semantics at ground zero…

No doubt the French will be comforted by your weasel words, while their property burns and their women and children are being assaulted…

This concept of living side by side in harmony has worked wonders… Afghanistan, The Gaza Strip, Somalia, The Sudan, Rwanda and Syria… Even Iran and Iraq spent 8 years killing each other over the same religion, just a conflicting strain… Sunni and Shia…

While the rioters are running through the streets burning, raping, pillaging and screaming Allahu Akbar it has everything to do with religion…

Everything else is just, semantics and deflection from the apologists, safely watching the dire situation afflicting France from afar…

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Trendwithbenefits, You sound pretty upset and angry, Take a break from the internet and media to relax your mind

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It’s always good to listen to other people opinions on these types of matters and also that they listen to yours, there is no need for people to get angry since you can always walk away and stay true to what you believe.

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Not at all… It’s just disappointing knowing facts, figures and modern day reality is being compared to Hocus Pocus, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories

It’s what happens when you open your eyes on other parts of the world…

You come to realise that many actually believe in Hokey Religions, Ancient Weapons, Jedi Knights, Sith Lords, Midichlorian Counts and the Light / Dark side of the Force…

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Good to know you are doing ok.

You create the bed you have made and one day must lay in it, life comes back full circle for some.

The situations you describe are indeed horrific and I am sure the vast majority of people feel the same. At least I do.

But, unlike you, it seems, I recognise that out of the billions that hold to one religion or another, only a very small percentage of those are actually responsible for the damage you are talking about.

And, most people, unlike you, it seems, also agree that in most riots such as the ones in France at the moment there are elements such as anarchists and criminals just taking advantage of the situation to spread chaos and steal from smashed shops, without an iota of religious intent.

Or maybe looting a shop selling sportswear is written somewhere in some religious handbook? Even the relatives of the boy killed in France are pleading for the rioting to stop because it has nothing to do with the boy.

Maybe some religious people are living in fairyland - but so are those people who place blanket blame across the entire majority for the, albeit horrendous, acts of a minority.

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Some people are just looking to condemn an entire group of people or religion. That’s how the majority gets labeled when in fact it’s a very small minority committing these crimes.

There are 1.7 billion people who practiced Islam.

<How Many Muslims Are There In The World? - WorldAtlas

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Only a very small percentage of US Citizens cause mass shootings… So they want to remove ALL the automatic weapons…

Only a very small percentage of terrorists want to hijack planes… So now we ALL have to be scanned at airports…

Maybe some religious people are living in fairyland - but so are those people who place blanket blame across the entire majority for the, albeit horrendous, acts of a minority.

So what do you think you recognize? You guys just don’t get it…

You provide these examples, what do you suggest France / Europe should do?

BTW: The examples you use did not ban an entire group of people

Well according to @SovoS, We cannot blame the majority for the, albeit horrendous, acts of the minority… So let the US Citizens keep their SLR’s, Assault Rifles and Automatic Hand Guns, Get the Government agency’s to stop trying to pry them out of your cold dead handsSeems fair…

We cannot blame the majority of terrorist’s that attempt to hijack aircraft… So lets stop the time wasting while boarding flights and go straight through to the gate lounges… So much easier…

Europe and the US…

Don’t open your borders to tens of thousands of unvetted refugee’s… These accommodating countries that took in all these unchecked immigrants… Will pay the high price of social unrest for the next 2-3 decades… As has been seen in Europe already…

Even you clowns in the US… The southern border has been open since the Biden Administration took charge… The administration which you backed!!

How many Gang Members, Criminals, Drug Couriers have poured across into the US waiting till the time is right to get back to business…

You can stop all those things, but you still have legal immigration

Do you actually think before you post???

The rioters in France are illegally there or legally there?, France needs immigrants to fill jobs locals don’t want.

France: ‘Precarious’ employment conditions for refugees…

Around 42% of refugees settled in France manage to find a job within a year of obtaining official status. But the jobs they find are often far below their skill levels, resulting in a “professional downgrade” that leads to discontent and exhaustion.

More than 24,000 official protection statuses were granted in France by the Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra) and the National Asylum Court (CNDA) in 2020. For a majority of the refugees affected this means the beginning of the next step in their life in exile: the job search.

In their first year with legal status, nearly 42% of these refugees found employment, including one in four who managed to sign a permanent contract, according to a new study published by the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri).

So over 55% remain unemployed…

Once again little or no facts in your posts… I’ll ask once again…

Do you actually think before you post???

Maybe you should be asking that questions to the countries you have a problem with who are letting people in their countries, clearly you are very angry by this

This is a totally different angle to your claims that religion is at the heart of all evil. In your terms this would read that therefore all US citizens cause mass shootings. But the reason for wanting arms control is to precisely to prevent the minority from doing these things.

This is also a totally different angle to your claims that religion is at the heart of all evil. In your terms this would read that therefore all people using aeroplanes are terrorists. But the reason for having airport security is precisely to prevent the minority from doing these things.

I don’t see what we are supposed to “get” here! (BTW I am not a religious person, I have made that clear before a few times.)

I recognise that there are millions of people who believe in a god and who live decent lives and deplore riots, terrorism, murder, rape, crime and all other such things one can think of.

I also recognise that such atrocities occur in wars such as currently in Ukraine without blaming religion as a factor on what the Russian military or Wagner or the Ukrainian army are doing there.

Religion can be misguided, misused and abused, and both accidentally and deliberately. But the individual is always to blame and not the entire crowd. And this goes for all things in life whether it is government, schools, law and order, industry, etc - and not just in religion.

Once again, not angry… It’s a situation which you and @SovoS have put little thought into…

Arabs were never going to assimilate into a predominantly Christian society… Who Knew?? You only have to look to the original Holy Lands to see the outcome of such short sightedness…

Let me ask a question… Why aren’t countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE or other wealthy nations in the middle east taking in these North African, predominantly Muslim refugee’s???


I’m glad you posted this, obviously there are reasons other than religion that could turn into a political debate

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