The problem is GOD yes or no?

I think, on the contrary, other people here are willing to look beyond the sheer Islamophobia that you @Trendswithbenefits are inciting and blaming for anything and everything that is to be disapproved of.

But if you think that way then, fair enough, I won’t trouble you any more with my näivities here.

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Hello… The get out of jail free card has been played… You, you must be Islamophobic… I’m off bye…

You have a country in flames, 45,000 Police and Army despatched… And simpletons here think it’s a handful of bad eggs… FFS…

@SovoS What is not factual in my posts??

I agree that the riots are wrong, but the people just didn’t start burning the country down. You are sidestepping the real cause of the riots, which could have been dealt with in another way. However, there are deep roots in these riots that people like you refuse to discuss, but that’s off topic and more political.


have you talked about the cause that set off the riot?

You can always try to deal with the issue other then riots, but maybe the riots is the way to show a deeper issue that must be address, again people are sidestepping the cause and the deeper roots behind the riots.

Several people are taking advantage of riots to spread their personal feeling agendas

The deeper issue is allowing a bunch of primitive religious zealots into your country.

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The root of many problems is always deeper

Almost as if the “modern world” is somehow different than in times past - reality is that the year numbers are different yet people’s fears, worries, aspirations, hopes are exactly the same.

Jesus (God) is the same yesterday, today, for ever.

Do I believe this? show me why I shouldn’t, what is it in the “modern world” that makes that line in the Bible a fallacy, a fairy tale, a fable?

Maybe we are smarter than the older world with our tech, we communicate faster, we travel faster, we think faster - then again just maybe it’s our modern world that is the fallacy?

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Just back from France last week - “country in flames”? - total baloney.

France is what it is - try looking for a bus on May1st - surprised that guys who bemoan “mainstream media” actually believe what they read.

Paul asserts that human beings can easily know at least some things about God by looking at creation. We should look at what is visible around us in nature, what God has made, and arrive at some obvious conclusions about what is not visible. Adding one and one together, we should understand from nature that God has eternal power and a divine nature. David said something similar in Psalm 19:1–6.

After all, Paul seems to be saying, what kind of power would it take to make the world and all that is in it? Such a feat would require “eternal power,” or endless and inexhaustible power. Such a Creator must also be divine and not merely human. He must be God, in other words. Human beings should look at creation and decide there must be a God who made it, a God we must answer to on some level.

Especially in our era, some might argue that reaching such a conclusion by looking at nature is not a given. After all, the prevailing alternative theories about the origins of our universe may lead someone to decide that just the opposite is true: There is no God. God does not accept that argument. This passage is especially important when viewed in context with Jesus’ comments in Matthew 7:7–8. God gives every single person enough knowledge that they should seek Him. Those who respond by seeking God will always find Him .

If human beings do not “work out” the basic nature of God from what is seen in creation, and seek Him from there, they are simply “without excuse.” They are willfully ignoring the obvious. God insists that He has made it plain to human reasoning and that to decide otherwise is to suppress the truth we know by nature.

Not sure that we must answer to God when we leave this life - “we have Moses and the prophets, let us listen to them” - .i.e we answer to ourselves - we are our own judge.

Good chance that we are harsher judges than God is - this is perhaps why forgiveness is important.

" Forgive them for they know what they do" - far from easy when gasping for dying breath because of what they have done.

In order to paint a narrative, people will use the same source they despise

“Maybe we are smarter than the older world with our tech, we communicate faster, we travel faster, we think faster - then again just maybe it’s our modern world that is the fallacy?”

Ahhh… @peterma That is the difference between the Old World and the New World!!..

Another poster who runs around in circles attempting to baffle you with their BS…

See, Jesus, God… The Holy Trinity… Wasn’t known to civilization’s before the Bible was written… Yet the Christian Bible states that God created everything… Strange…

Around 4000BC… The Samarian, the Egyptian and Caral civilization’s worshipped multiple season based deities… No single God… No Jesus… No Garden of Eden… No Adam and Eve… No Burning Bush… No Ten Commandments…

The Hebrew’s, the Romans even Moses (if you believe in nonsense) didn’t make an appearance for another 2000 years… That’s why the Bible is nothing more than a collection of fallacies, fairy tales and fables…

The Bible is a manifesto… A book that was distributed to explain the physical world that it’s authors lived in at that time… An ancient memoire of make believe…

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Ohhh… @peterma A quote from someone who was sucked in by the vaccines, the mandates, the distancing, the masking, and the now proven incompetent overreach by Governments… Hook… Line… And Sinker…


France is a Powder Keg…

@peterma Yep… Like the Bible… Nothing to see there… It’s all made up…

In my opinion, most people at a certain age understand exactly what they are doing

Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you

The main rioting was in a banlieues just west of Paris - yet you are correct in that nothing to see in the rest Paris and the country - everyone going about their business, no rioting, no burning, no flames (except for the BBQ’s)

To say that “France is in flames” is perhaps, just perhaps an exaggeration but a good headline nonetheless .

Btw - calm has been restored to that area - the previous armed guys in charge are apparently back - no sign of police - rioting does not bring in money I suppose.

Thursday past was feast day of Maria Goretti - she died on July 6 1902 aged 11 years.

Her mother forgave the murderer - her patronage is forgiveness and mercy.

I didn’t disagree with you about forgiveness,

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