The problem is GOD yes or no?

Additionally, personal feelings play a large role and they are powerless to control them.

You simps on the left have very short memories…

You couldn’t make this shite up… No editing… This was CNN…!!

France… Like Kenosha… Mostly peaceful protests…

Dude is all over the place

France: Rioters Loot Louis Vuitton, Zara, Nike Stores In Paris; Total Madness Caught on Cam

Mayhem, madness and marauding in France’s capital Paris amid massive protests. Rioters captured on camera looting high-end stores in the midst of violence. Video shows hundreds storming into a big Louis Vuitton store in Paris. The protesters looted items worth millions from the high-end designer store. Some Irate Protesters Also Stole Stuff From Zara, Apple and Nike Stores in the French capital. Watch this report to know situation on ground

And yet strange that @peterma see’s nothing while in France… Obviously… Just oblivious to what is actually going on around him…

More fallacies, fairy tales and fables in his attempt to justify an argumentative post…

Maybe you should take this topic to the political thread, Unless you think this was a GOD thing

I have lived in NI thru the worst of rioting - I drove my kids amidst rocks and stones, evading oncoming military vehicles to get them to safety - and TBW thinks I’m oblivious?

Who is it that controls the narrative in those city suburbs, the Govt, the police, the community or the guys with arms superior even to the law enforcement agencies.

Anyways - this thread is about God - the destruction in the images posted reflects His absence in the lives of those who participated.

I had a great time in France, always do, they have a thing about courtesy so I tested that theory out on the most sombre passport control officer that I have ever encountered.

He was just after refusing exit to a little family couple bound for Doha - then my turn - he flashed my passport still not looking up then he had to - I smiled and said au revoir - his upbringing forced a half smile with a au revoir.

That’s the power of God - in the little things.

As I stated in a previous post… You two (@SmallPaul. @peterma) have very short memories…

The riots in France ARE predominantly a religious issue… It’s cause is the clash of different beliefs… Two very different interpretations of GOD…

You both are great at feigning forgetfulness when you are challenged with facts… So, I wouldn’t expect you two too be able to keep track through the constant web of silliness and scripture and both post…

But at least make an effort to pay attention to the actual discussion…

After days of destruction, Macron blames a familiar bogeyman: video games

Fueled by rage over the police killing of a teenager during a routine traffic stop June, throngs of young people in France have been lashing out against alleged racial profiling and calling for greater police accountability.

Over the last week, protesters have lit thousands of cars on fire, attacked schools, town halls, police stations, banks and businesses, and set nearly a thousand buildings ablaze. Some in the Paris suburb of L’Hay-les-Roses rammed a burning car into the mayor’s home. Estimates of the damage have been projected to be about $1.1 billion. As a result, thousands of young people have been arrested since the rioting began in the days after 17-year-old Nahel M. was killed on June 27. According to France’s Interior Ministry, the average age of those arrested is 17.

The crisis has exposed deep rancor within marginalized and often low-income communities over discrimination — Nahel is of North African descent — and a general lack of opportunity.

Video Games??.. Politicians and/or their Policies are never the cause of any unrest.

Just ask them…

All of the above… And @peterma is still in denial… Oblivious to it all…

You cannot take any of his posts seriously!!

Colonialism or Migration: What’s to Blame for The Riots in France?

The recent riots have exposed long-running racial tensions within French society. But how did these tensions emerge? Was it colonial hangover, racism or unchecked migration? Palki Sharma tells you how the home of the French revolution descended into violence.

Can this be done in the best interest of God or is GOD the problem?

Religious right gets blindsided by angry parents in a Southern California school district.

TEMECULA, Calif. — Three Southern California school board members backed by a far-right pastor narrowly won election last fall in campaigns fueled by pandemic rage.

Then they banned critical race theory and rejected social studies materials that included LGBTQ rights hero Harvey Milk.

Now, they’re fighting for their political lives.

After just six months in office, those officials face a recall effort on top of a civil rights investigation launched by the state’s Democratic-led education department. Students have held protests, and irate parents and teachers are swarming the board’s meetings, feeling that their town — the fast-growing, politically diverse suburb of Temecula in Riverside County — has become consumed by partisan warfare.

“We don’t want culture wars. We don’t want Fox News appearances,” Alex Douvas, a parent of two kids in the district who previously worked for two Republican congressmembers in Orange County, told the board recently. “Our schools are not ideological battlegrounds. They’re not platforms for religious evangelism. These are institutions for learning and growth.”

The religious right saw an opening to jump into the parental rights movement amid intense backlash about pandemic-era school closures and mask mandates. But those policies have all but disappeared in schools, and it’s proving harder to sustain that level of outrage over teachings on race and gender. The effort to ban certain books and challenge curriculum has split Republicans and polled poorly with independent voters nationally.

<Religious right gets blindsided by angry parents in a Southern California school district

TBH I don’t myself that serious.

Read a thought provoking piece in Church this weekend - it was written by Jeanne-Marie Guyon (French mystic) who lived from 1648 to 1717.

Through being given rule and method how to love God, people have in great measure been estranged from God

My thinking - it’s impossible to love God if we don’t encounter Him and we cannot encounter Him if we refuse Him.

Just my thinking :slight_smile:

This is all about Islam… The need to Islamize the world is in its sacred texts

The Islamification of Europe and the UK is well under way. Everyone is too afraid to speak about this problem… Most are too ignorant or too fearful to speak against religion and the rest pretend nothing is happening…

Truly terrifying what is happening in Western Europe. You are in big, big trouble…

And before all the apologists throw their toys out of their prams… I’m not Islamophobic

The Christians had their go over the last few hundred years with Missionaries and religious teachings sent forward to all corners of the globe… Now Islam is frantically in a Globalize mode as well…

Even in modern times, religious differences are reeking havoc where ever they overlap… This is why multiculturalism doesn’t work in the long run… We’re seeing this all over Europe…

To your European Ancestors this was basic common sense

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A European Government initiative is causing all of this to occur

Immigration from force to legal- The whole process leads to exploration of self

The problem is not GOD, but humans and their overbearing behaviors when it comes to religion, Those overbearing behaviors may be driven by love of religion or hatred of it.

We see an immigrant started this mess, and now hatred will be directed towards Sweden

Muslim states demand action at UN after ‘Islamaphobic’ Koran burning

GENEVA (Reuters) -Muslim states including Iran and Pakistan on Tuesday said desecration of the Koran amounted to inciting religious hatred and called for accountability, as the U.N. rights body debated a contentious motion in the wake of a Koran burning in Sweden.

The motion, brought by Pakistan in response to last month’s incident, seeks a report from the U.N. rights chief on the topic and calls on states to review their laws and plug gaps that may “impede the prevention and prosecution of acts and advocacy of religious hatred”.

The debate highlighted rifts in the U.N. Human Rights Council between the OIC, a Muslim grouping, and Western members concerned about the motion’s implications for free speech and challenges posed to long-held practices in rights protection.

An Iraqi immigrant to Sweden burned the Koran outside a Stockholm mosque last month, sparking outrage across the Muslim world and protests in several Pakistani cities.

“We must see this clearly for what it is: incitement to religious hatred, discrimination and attempts to provoke violence,” Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari told the Geneva council via video, saying such acts occurred under “government sanction and with the sense of impunity”.

His remarks were echoed by ministers from Iran, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia with the latter calling it an act of “Islamophobia”. “Stop abusing freedom of expression,” said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi. “Silence means complicity.”

<Muslim states demand action at UN after 'Islamaphobic' Koran burning

@SmallPaul Yep… It’s undoubtedly humans… Humans that believe in different Gods

The belief in God is not something I have an issue with, unlike you, but as with anything in life, humans are capable of going too far and in these circumstances it will be religion.

Everybody believes in god in different ways.


This thread is still going? Well here is Neil deGrasse Tyson on his take of Atheist


Atheist VS Agnostic - How Do They Compare?