The Rabbit Hole

Good analysis. The socialists started taking over the US public school system decades ago. Trump people now holding seminars on getting business and labor together and advancing trade schools as much better than a worthless college degree. When one learns a trade he is set for life. A good auto mechanic can easily make $80,000. - $100,000.a year in this area – more in large metropolitan areas. We are really hurting for skilled labor in the construction trade.



Isn’t it odd that in the interests of “Democracy” - we are talking about withdrawing the vote from certain individuals ? [No criticism here, just a reflection - I tend to be on the same wavelength ! ]

However I don’t think it is a lack of intelligence which is the problem - just a lack of real understanding ! [Many of the worst SJWs are really quite intelligent ! Just devious b**tards who know the rules of “victimhood” and manipulation of public opinion far better than we do !]

I’d like to see any “Under 30s” have to read certain books about “Life subjects” and prove they have read and understood before they “get the vote”.

Here is my list

For those who believe the scare stories about - well you read the list !

A bit of a shake up for those who believe they behave logically

To see how those around you know to treat you as they do !

For those who think “money” is valuable !

And for all crypto “Traders”

And so you understand why you are who you are (and what to do about it ) - or tose perhaps who believe "we are in charge of our own destiny " !

Hmmm… I remember when the test was a certain level of wealth - gauged by property ownership…

Doesn’t seem that long ago but a lot of lives have passed under that bridge since.

Brexit edition !

Damn - now here’s one I haven’t read - written by someone I respect greatly about something quite important !!

I might have to buy it !

My comment was sort of tongue in cheek as a rebuttal to being called thick all the time and that I didn’t know what I was voting for. :smile:


I’m sure we know that @Jen26 - @peterma and I have differing views on the “brexit thing” - we’re both quite “old” and He in particular has a great deal of knowledge on the technicalities of TRADING - GBPEUR , so that in itself gives me a deal of respect for hisknowledge and opinion ! - even though it is 180 degrees opposed to mine !

Anyway - I managed to get “that book” on ebay in “very good” nick for eleven and a half quid delivered ! (There are loads cheaper - but I take the view we need teh “Brexit Edition” ! )

Not meaning in any way to undermein (Feudian slip ?) the levity of your thread here gilrl (I assume !) - It’s nice to see “fresh blood” [especially "Fresh blood with brains " ] prepared to come in at a little less than “PC” level ! - hope we can fit in with you and your buddies ! :sunglasses:

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1928 I think mate - bugger - you’re older than I thought ! :laughing:


Since I’m th “old fart” of this wild bunch, give you our communication guidelines. I assure you Jen is a girl. and a damn smart one at that. Only two known genders in our world and we don’t have a problem telling one from another. We love good discussion. We occasionally disagree among ourselves, but respect each others opinion and try to use facts to back our opinions up. We have no use for some idiot that has to immediately resort to whining and name calling because he can’t intelligently argue his case. You make very good points – you are more than welcome.:+1:


Yeah but, nothing will beat the sound of a F1 engine roaring past spectators than electric ones! There is no excitement when hearing the sound of an electric motor!

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You raise some pretty good questions, but I would imagine that there are separate batteries for auxiliary functions and a generator function to help offset battery drain. The one point that you raise which is valid is the average speed vs. top speed in the data used to compile for final analysis in what the actual range of the car is. I don’t agree that it’s a 100 mile range for the latest Tesla Model S (670 Miles) but maybe it is actually between 400 to 500 if the driver puts it through extreme driving use, and probably even less with the old types such as the Model 3. From reading various sources on the critique of these cars I get the impression that regular driving habits have to change in order to conserve for battery usage while driving these cars in every day use. Such drivers who are used to driving gas powered vehicles will run into problems if they don’t know how to manage this one glaring aspect when driving an electric vehicle. “Hypermiling” a term recently referred to using efficient means of driving techniques when driving a Tesla.

Anyway, I am in no rush to buy an electric vehicle until the technology gets better, and even then, I still believe we are 10 years away before we see anything close to resembling the same capabilities and range of a gas powered vehicle.


A little background for you: we moved over from FF where the RH had been going for almost a couple of years. That was because I got myself banned for questioning the intelligence of the left. A number of us had been banned along the way for crimes such as telling the truth and stating facts and were re-incarnating, but when I got dumped, they booted the RH out along with me.

So we were like travellers looking for a new site and came across this place. We are a mix of Yanks and Brits (as you can tell!) and it’s good to see more Brits! I was getting worried about being outnumbered.

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Cryptic! Don’t like this latest news of the NXINVM sex cult. Really creepy!

This video is an interesting account and speculation that Stanley Kubrick may not have suffered a heart attack, rather he was murdered.

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Whenever I hear “gas” I think puff puff instead of rrroaar. I can’t help it. :joy: I will not be driving a glorified milk float like an old fart - how am I able to go libtard bullying? There is nooo way I’m having self driving, which is where all this is leading. It’s further erosion of our personal liberties! They will spy on us and abduct us to some correction centre!

By the way, when a Tesla battery dies, everything dies. See that video.

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If I leave my laptop fully charged for a while, maybe a month or so, and I come back to it, the charge would have disappeared. If I left my electric car at the airport and came back a few weeks later, all knackered and ready to blast home… then what? I read it has happened.

Edit: The second law of thermodynamics - the more energy changes state, the greater the entropy. Therefore batteries will deteriorate more the more times they are charged and there is no way around that!

Lol, not just as old as that - though there are days.

Finally came to an end in this part of UK in 1969