The Sex of Trading

It could be a cultural thing. It is “perceived” as being a man’s world, so they will stay away from it and won’it even investigate enough to know if they would want to do it and would be good at it.


A similar issue is in STEM subjects, which also extends to music technology: whenever I was involved in open days, students and their parents coming to inquire about music technology courses would see a lot of male staff about. The perception is that being involved in studio engineering is a male thing. Whenever I got female students I would ignore all the boys wanting to do stuff and basically push the female students to do as mich as possible or the boys would always be first or assume girls could not possibly do lifting of stage/sound equipment etc.

I recently saw one of those girls who came to study music technology , she was doing the sound checks in a music venue. There are few women in this field but if those schoolgirls with X-Factor dreams could see that there are proper jobs in music technology versus a lot of shattered dreams in singing, they would maybe reconsider their view of tech courses as ‘for boys’.

I find the whole thing depressing!


Stereotypes can be hard to break. And take a long time…

Consider how long it took women to be able to vote.

When we look back today we think “How was it even possible that women didn’t have the right to vote for such a long time?” That is because that stereotype is finally broken today and we can see with clarity, but when the stereotype was fully active it was depressing…

We will get there, give it some time…


Today i would restrict the right to vote only to people above 30 and below 60.

Further more id restrict the numbers of parties to maximum 4.

I think its a joke that everybody can collect a few thousand signatures and form a party and then is allowed to say whatever fits into his agenda under the right of free speech.

Feels more like anarchy than democracy.

Id also restrict party leadership to certain degrees. Like a Phd. In order to avoid populists like newspaper collumnists or tv show hosts to become president or prime minister.

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You HAVE to watch this video:

Started reading, but this thread got 2 weird 4 me quickly.


Just watched the vid.

It covers something i wanted to make a post about a week ago. I will make that long post later today on my rabdom rabbling thread.

Good video, the idea itself has a flaw: people dont care for politics, at all, unless its something that annoys or upsets them


Many flaws probably, but certainly a direction worth considering for the future, at some point…

I’m not convinced of studies of what Merrill Lynch traders do. I don’t know how they trade but I’m pretty sure I don’t trade anything like they do.

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One of the studies comes from ex-traders of Merrill Lynch, that formed a new company but the other study comes from an independent trader that would make daily observations about his working environment for many years.

It is a small sample though, so it would be very interesting to get either more studies or big data on trading performances by sex.

However, the two studies already point in the same direction and the reasoning behind them makes a lot of sense. Looks like a good start…

I think about that too as well as interracial marriages. It’s insane how we used to think some groups of people are better than others.


We live in a crazy world, with a crazy past…

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@ponponwei Funny how ‘interracial’ is a …thing… that people fantasise about when it comes to sex, but very few actually get into real relationships with a person of another ethnicity…

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It’s that thing of looking at someone else as “more exotic”, “more powerful”, “more liberated”, always assuming (wrongly) that the grass is always greener on the other side


My ultimate fantasy is to make money with Forex :slight_smile:


You have 28 to choose from, or perhaps you are the type to do multiple ones at one go. :yum:

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Careful, you may end up double-booking two dates at the same restaurant…

It’s called…currency correlation


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Gender fluidity is a key element for being a successful trader folks!!


Man where did you find this information? As I know men more often achieve success in this realm than woman! Think about it!

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