The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

That [I]information[/I] is no secret, the 10 biggest banks control around 80% of FX, if Draghi would have kept his mouth shut then the squeeze would have been for the shorts… price moves where the liquidity is.

Pretty good Hogarste…

This was my analysis in the 1H chart, I am in this trade… but already took 50% profits at 1.3406, SL for the rest at BE

That move started days before Draghi even opened his trap. The Italian bank situation is about to get it’s lid blown off. When Italian bonds started jumping up, the E/U peaked out.

But who cares why? The charts tell you before anybody says anything…

[QUOTE=]I feel guilty enough having posted here at all! I make a very conscious effort to avoid this thread…[/QUOTE]

Rest assured that effort has always been very much appreciated here

July 1st to July 22nd. Bring your golf clubs !!!

A Scotsman in Florida in July. If I were to look up the word “misery” in the dictionary I think it is defined as:

noun \ˈmi-zə-rē, ˈmiz-rē\

  1. a state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty or affliction
  2. a circumstance, thing, or place that causes suffering or discomfort
  3. a Scotsman in Florida in July

Start acclimating now. Crawl into your oven with it set to broil for a few minutes a day. Work your way up to a few days in your oven at a time at that setting. Don’t forget to have the Mrs. baste you regularly to simulate the humidy! Then you may find Florida in July a bit more tolerable :slight_smile:

So do you think I should take the tweed slacks and the Arran cardigan back out of the case then JL?

Of course not. One shoud always be well dressed, looking as dashing and debonair as possible no matter the circumstances. We Americans, especially those of us in the southern regions in summer, expect it from our friends who visit us from more northerly climes!

Actually the heat is the very reason we’re going for 3 weeks rather than the standard 2 weeks. I reckon it’s a safer bet that the authorities will have the air ambulance organized by week 3 than it is expecting them to get it in only 2 weeks.

Just speculating…

You’d be better off in the Emperor’s outfit. But that’s not legal there yet. Which is surprising. They let an awful lot go on during spring break…

Plan for daily thunderstorms. Be off the course before 3:00 PM. I could have set my clock by that time a few years back. In July. In Florida.

This sort of long term prognostication fascinates me. Perhaps it is because I never really attempt to look that far in advance – even if it is only speculation. Looking forward to seeing just how it plays out.

Yunny, your analysis seems to indicate the possibility a continued break in correlation between Fiber and Cable, with the Cable presenting possible buy opportunities, and the Fiber presenting short opportunities. This seems to be the indication of COT, which also indicates an almost offsetting effect (I know the weights in the average are very different and that the Euro should have much more of an effect on the dollar index.) I’m starting to really agree with this, but I have more work to do. Do you use COT data via charts like Price charts for your style of trading. Just curious.

looking for the same

i see the correlation issue differently. euro and gbp were extremely out of correlation lately, money going from the pound into the euro. my take is that this inequality is going to get smaller now (e/g falling), putting them soon back at “fair” prices and then the correlation might kick back in.

Dress up in an outfit, plan for daily turbulence and and put the toys away before the kids get home !!

Just another day in my life then Tang LOL !!

In order to make a trading decision I used to look first into a lot of stuff… COT reports, correlations, Bonds, Indexes, pivots, fibs, volatility, highs/lows, MA, sentiment, etc… that just added to my confusion. Nowdays I try to keep it as simple as I can.

Price moves because just one thing… ORDER FLOW, can we as retailers know the flow of orders?? [B]NO[/B]

What we have left is the trail of those orders, that you can see it as S/D levels and some PA, do they work all the time?? [B]NO[/B] but IMO is the closest you can get to the real intentions of the Banks…

So answering your question: NO i do not use the COT report… I am aware of it, but only at extreme historical levels.

What I am trying to say is that I TRADE WHAT I SEE, in the instrument I am looking at.

Just one rule… for the majors I do my analysis from the 1H to the monthly chart, for the crosses from the 4H to the monthly chart

Thank you for the answer Yunny. After some difficult weeks of trading, I have more qualitative thoughts on the upcoming week or so that seem to line up with what your saying, which makes me feel even more confident. I use the COT like looking out the window in the morning to get a feel for what the overall sky looks like. As someone said above, some very nice looking mornings have thunderstorms in the afternoon.

Seems like interesting analysis - markets have been moving in straight lines recently though