The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

First target reached… Next 1.0200

Hi Yunny. It looks like price is coming up on a supply level (the circle on the right). Is this a previously used level (the circle on the left being when it was “fresh”) so you assume price may just cruise up to your 2nd take profit?

Yes that level has been used and the directon of price is up. So we can assume that price might reach the next resistance level.

If we see PA right now, the odds that price get to 1.0200 have diminished, so is up to you to tight the SL or leave it at BE

Thanks for your patience in putting up with repetitive questions!

Apologies for being MIA recently guys, got caught up and involved in the nonsense going on elsewhere. Pointless garbage really.

Hopefully will be back trying my best to add a wee bit of value again soon.

Apologies once again


It’s easy to get caught up in. Over the months, I found it hard to find a place to post trading ideas, because while I genuinely, do try to see the best everywhere, I sometimes feel like my trading style fits one place and my personality another.

Trading is easy, but not simple.

Hang on a minute, is it the other way around?

LOL, same conundrum daily.

Buy, or is it the other way around and a sell? :stuck_out_tongue:

Will try to post chart later but was anyone in the EURCAD short (daily chart)? Made me sweat a little but worked out in the end lol

Again, speculating plus adjusting my forecast with new supply levels… Still short from around 1.3570 (50% of position)



Here’s a very quick, very true story.

There is a motivational speaker here in Glasgow called Jack Black. No, not the actor, motivational speaker, two different guys.

Some years ago, when Rangers Football Club were doing well under the stewardship of manager Walter Smith, Jack Black was called in to talk to the team because as well as they were doing in the Scottish League, their performance in the European Competitions was nothing short of terrible.

The story goes that Jack Black walked into the team dressing room and said to the players, “Put your hands up if you think you’re going to win the Scottish League this year.”

To this every player, without exception, raised their hands.

“ok, ok,” he said. "Now put your hands up if you think you’re going to win the champions league this year."
Not one single player raised their hand

“Yeah.” said Jack Black. “And that’s exactly WHY you lot will never win the champions league.”

The pair has set a higher low… SL below it

I say upfront that the USD/CAD isn’t a pair I trade, so it is most likely that I am wrong. I just noticed something that I wanted to share. It looks like that in the two previous patterns the last extreme was broken (stripes) and than retraced to break the last opposites (ovals). It seems like people are looking for that entry. Will that perhaps be repeated for a third time?

Hi HoG this question relates to the 2 videos in a round about way,
have you or anybody else who reads this thread tried ‘brain entrainment’

You may say what has that got to do with the videos? Well I received a
link to them from a ‘self help’ guy who has a brain entrainment site, so
just wondered if they are connected in some way?

PS I would also say that the Rangers players were just being realists.

Now we manage our SL according to the new market conditions…

Never heard of brain entertainment dd, but I’d be very interested to get the link to the site if you’d be so kind as to send it to me. Not sure if you’d have to PM it in case it was deemed as advertising if you posted it, but I’d like to have a look.

I just found the videos by chance on youtube and thought they were worth posting as a “focus” thing as myself and ST have a habit of posting these kind of things on this thread.

As for the Rangers players, yeah you’re right of course, but I’d much rather be a dreamer any day. You still don’t win sod all, but at least you have more fun losing.

Yunny, I am following along with your USD/CAD analysis and appreciate it. I think price is getting to an especially interesting level now.

Same here!

Hmm, was just trying to be helpfull.