The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

Running Norton ST.

You have no idea how long it took me to work out “STFU” and yes I will pass on your congrats to Jane Torvill, who I believe is on Blackpool pleasure beach even as we speak, face covered in ice cream LOL !!

Just nipped home for 2 minutes so I am trying Sanj’s suggestion right now. Will keep you updated.

Turns out I already have latest version of java running and I’ve installed latest IE version and still my PCM doesn’t want to connect.

Really big hammer will fix it HOG lol

I also understand what ST stated about myfxbook or stfu. Then I go to create on and no one seems to care.I mean I know I spill a lot of worthless crap here but damn I didnt think it was that bad

I don’t think it’s worthless crp Bob, I think there just seems to be a lack of enthusiasm around here lately.

And I was about to ask you on what timeframe you were talking about for the really big hammer then I realised what you meant…God I’m slow today LOL!!!

Despite BPs denial that the problem is not with them (And what else would we expect them to say?), it seems unlikely that it’s not there that the problem arises.

On yet another hand, searching GOOGLE for “method not implemented Internet Explorer” or “method not implemented Firefox” or just “method not implemented” turns up lots of links that might be helpful.

Congratulations to your daughter HoG! Maybe we shall see her in the Olympics one day?

Thank you cdog, that would be a grand thing indeed. Mind you, the money I pay out in ice skating lessons every week I wouldn’t even get to see her, I’d be too busy working.

Anyway, watched an “expert” analyst from HSBC bank on bloomberg (sorry ST) yesterday telling the world to short the UJ before the BoJ announcement as the Japanese have a tendency to “disappoint”.

Now, I’m not entirely sure whether he meant that the BoJ tend to come up short of what people expected them to do, or it was a deeply offensive remark meaning that on the whole, as an example of the species, Japanese people are a wee bit disappointing, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he meant the first one.

But I’m glad anyway that I didn’t take his sage “expert” advice. Just goes to show then, he’s probably been sitting there for days, pouring over historical data, economic data, previous BoJ statements and all manner of complicated gobbledegook available to such a huge organisation as HSBC to come up with his “expert” prediction, and he got it wrong.

Mind you, at least if you followed his advice you’d have some one else to blame. It would still be your account balance that was down, but at least it wouldn’t be your fault now would it? :28:

Just going to check what the experts are saying about the other central bank announcements so I can place my orders before I go to work.

I hope Scotland doesn’t ever get independence, I’m not sure how I’d take if I heard an expert on the TV saying, “The Scottish have a tendency to disappoint.”

Right then, have re-re-re-uninstalled firefow and downloaded it back on to my pc and, for the meanwhile anyway, it seems to be working ok.

Add that to the fact the the sudden drop in EU actually dug me out of one of my self destruct trades, even offering up a small profit no less, and today hasn’t turned out too bad.

Add that to the fact that I’m off to the driving range with one of my mates tonight and life could be worse.

However, I feel I’ve been here long enough now that something either has to give or go as far as the trading is concerned. I’m almost 2 years in now and remain my own worse enemy and biggest hurdle in my progression in trading.

So I propose to going back to posting a snapshot of my account balance each week. I’m just plain old not going to do the myfxbook thing. Tried it, couldn’t get the bugger to work, so on that front I’ve decided to opt for the STFU path.

Anyway, as far as I can see it only documents the increase or decrease of yout balance and not the minor point about WHY your account is going up or down.

So any trades I take now I shall do my utmost to state why I take them, if for no other reason than to give Mr Templar’s boot a bit of excercise LOL!!

Sunday nights will be given over to market analysis for the week ahead and we’ll see if we can’t get this show back on a trading road.

I was lucky to have escaped with my little account still alive recently, “could do better” would I believe be the official verdict on that.

So come this Sunday I’ll get back to work, no more trading this week for me.

All that then said, have a good weekend one and all, back to work Sunday, I’m now off to the range to murder a few golf balls.



ST you need to clear your PM inbox

Ok so I know I said I wasn’t going to trade again this week, however just thought I’d throw this in. I know NFP is tomorrow and there therefore is the need to be cautious regarding any USD pair, but I can’t help thinking that cable isn’t the worse short as it stands right now.

daily chart shows price very close to previous support turned resistance and 4 hour chart shows the rejection fro 1-5260previously also…

Wouldn’t mind taking the trade short around 1-5250 ish with a stop 1-5265/70 and target somewhere around 1-5215/00.

just a thought

Trade seems solid but watch it momentum seems pretty strong and could very well break that level. Just keep an eye on price action.

Another thing I have found that has helped me in trading is dont spend your only whole true day off looking at the market. Take the day off and give it a rest. I have found that my market analysis in the beginning of the week rarely pans out anyway so why waste my time. I know the areas I am watching so no need to highlight them and all that. By doing this it leaves me wiggle room to move with the market instead of being glued to a plan for the week and if the market does not do what I was looking for in the beginning of the week I dont have that deer in the headlight stare at the market. This also gives me time to clear my head. and leaves me flexible instead of being caught up with analysis paralysis.

Not sure if this would help you or not but since I am now trading fulltime (man I really need to get back to work I can take this much longer). I have been doing a little ST style trading and keeping up with EOD trades and I also now daytrade. To pull this off and keep in line with FIFO I have added A/J into my trading. That way if I am short the bobmaninc I will day trade the A/J.

Just food for thought

Apologies. 'Tis done.

I myself do not like to enter shorts right now, the 1.5250 level has been visited to many times and now looks like a bear trap

Monthly and weekly candles suggest a reversal, daily and weekly momentum are to the upside.

Of couse I can be wrong and if the level holds the fall will be fast and furious :smiley:

Just woke up and had a peek at the pairs. Looks like GU fell to around my target area but I wouldn’t have got my fill at 1-5250 I don’t think. Think the over night high was around 1-5244. Oh we’ll, nothing lost.

Bobmaninc, I’m intrigued to hear your trading full-time now. Tell me, is the life of a full-time professional trader really filled with private jets and partying with the A-list?

ST , I know it’s not really a subject to laugh at, but I must admit, your panic button moment did make me smile somewhat.

Yunny, nice to hear from you again my friend. I did notice the 1-5250 level had been used a few times already. I think that’s mainly the reason I added a fairly tight stop around -5265/70. I won’t trade anything today ahead of NFP anyway.

To be honest I didn’t even put the order in for the trade anyway. I said yesterday that I wouldn’t trade again this week and I’m trying to stick to what I say now. It’s the new disciplined HoG LOL!!

Anyway, as nice as it is to start the morning talking to a few good friends, you’ve all came second place to a cup of tea and some toast with raspberry jam. Oh the life of a single man is a roller coaster thrill ride is it not ?

Talk later guys

Just looking at the charts on a raspberry jam stained iPad and if I wasn’t the new disciplined HoG, who doesn’t trade when he says he isn’t going to trade, I might be tempted long on cable should it get around 1-5175.

But then, that’s only if I wasn’t the new disciplined HoG

That’s how Bob rolled anyway.

And that’s fine, HoG, I’d laugh in your position. Indeed, we can laugh now. Mercifully Cornwall is an honest place so noone availed themselves of the opportunity to make off with our camera, other children etc. At one point, Claire yelled ‘she moved her head, thank God!’, which garnered a few strange looks.

What else would you expect from a guy who has a currency pair named after him??

And if your panic button moment had happened in Glasgow you would have returned to find some-one had nicked your camera and dumped a few extra kids with your lot LOL !!

Sure its filled with private jets just none of them are my private jets lol.

In all honesty it has been a struggle so far this year. When I came back to trading for the year I came out swinging and hitting home runs. My account had a nice proffit. Then after a few bad decisions and a few bad trades my account goes into drawdown. Just got back to BE last night with a couple very nice trades. I started going long again but I think I am going to drop that again. I was shooting 100% for a short time on long entries. Now aacording to myfxbook my win ratio on longs is 43% (7/16) vs 75% on shorts (12/16). Adding the A/J seems to be paying off though as the bobmaninc does not seem to know what it wants to do and has been relatively flat. The A/J seems to be trending nicely. Even though going short almost looks like suicide I am used to it and up to the challenge.

I’m kind of the opinion that UJ is only going up from here. Difficult to see how the yen can stregnthen at all right now. Would like a little pullback from current levels though. Mind you, I’m only looking at a chart on my phone right now, a “real” chart on a pc may look different

Dam this thread seems to have thinned out since I was last in? Well anyways, I’m still long off 4930 GU and no reason yet to close looking to the weekly. But flat lining on the 1h tonight so perhaps a drop off?

Golf I’ve decided HOG just isn’t my game. Sure I’ve tried and then some but the costs of repairing 18 holes post my round are proving prohibitive! LOL.

The promise revival of the thread never happened last night RC as the peace and quite that had descended upon my humble home last week was shattered yesterday when the family returned home from their trip to Blackpool. It’s [I]“great”[/I] to have them home !!!

Sorry to hear you gave up on the golf, but at least if you don’t want to play it, you can still watch it because golf’s greatest show (after the Ryder Cup that is) starts this week. Augusta National, Georgia plays host to The Masters this coming week, can’t wait.

Will have a look at the rugby video tonight when I get home from work, though I’m not sure a delicate lad like myself can cope with such brutality LOL!!

Will try my hardest to get focused on the trading again tonight.