The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

GU 4H low @ 1.5301… its a short term counter but in all the same… will see if I can squeeze out 20 pips?

Been a really busy quarter-end at work. Hopefully tonight was the worst of it and by weekend I can focus much more seriously on trading. Just a question that came to mind, who do people think would make the better fx trader, Jean Valjean or Javert?

Just goes to show what I know about all of this Hogarste, I haven’t heard of either of them LOL!!

Do have a question of my own, however I tossed it over to a friend the other day to get his take on it before I throw it out for open discussion.

The Masters starts today, so I doubt very much that I’ll be doing much in the way of posting, (no change there then eh?)

Have done very well over the course of this week trading the Yen pairs. Mind you, they were kind of easy pickings, starting to get to the point where I’m worried about a retrace though so I’m out for a wee while.

Trying out a new “system”, well not really a system as much as an entry criteria, right now, which I will discuss when I throw the question in question (??) out for discussion.

Used it to identify a further drop in GBP/NZD at 1.7969 on Tuesday night but never took the trade to be honest because I chickened out because the pair was already at a historically very low price. Price only then goes and drops over 180 since then.

Again, just goes to show what I know.

Off to work now gang, talk later.

Incidentally, aren’t the adverts and links to adverts all over the site a bit annoying???

Were you under the impression that this place was created for your benefit? LOL

Ah, Mr CarPainter. I saw your “thread” regarding Losers Anonymous and read with great awe and enthusiasm.

Funny thing is, while I was reading your posts, I couldn’t help thinking of the picture of the kid who suffers from Mute Tourettes Syndrome. funny how some things just pop into your head eh?

I am well aware that envy breeds hatred. I just try to remain positive and help those with an open mind.

what? You mean it’s not? :o

hey RC good to see you again. You pop in here about as often as I do now.

Lol where was the envy?! Or, for that matter, the hatred? That’s a strong word.

Oh nevermind that, it’s not worth fussing about. Wouldn’t you agree? :slight_smile:

LOL, it would appear I’m on the “ignore” list in Mr CarPainter’s thread. Where will I go now to vent my sorrow at my losses?

Woe is me that doth carry this heavy burden forevermore without redemption.

Incidentally, lost a couple of pips on the Euro last night, would’ve told you all about it but hey, who’s interested?

And while we are on the subject of total nonsense, does anyone know why ICT’s big web-site launch didn’t happen as scheduled, or why he has a picture of Simon Le Bon on the first page?

If I had to guess. It’s funny because something ALWAYS happens. It reminds me of people calling into work over a runny nose. They just take advantage of everything they can so as not to go to work. Although his are usually big. I understand things come up but damn. Every time? Why not just stop setting dates and just do it whenever.

The site does look a lot better. So way to go on that.

It’s probably yet another of those intentional lessons to teach his students the merits of patience or something, similar to the deliberate account blow up lesson.

If it’s the same pic with the big Sofia Loren sunglasses that was on here a couple of times, I assumed it was of one of the Village People before they put on all their costumes & make up?!
I also got a little confused why he’d use that as a prop.

I see someone posted a clip as I was submitting this reply.
There’s always some kind of drama surrounding this guy, wow.

I thought you would enjoy that “badge of honor”, given that you so clearly despise me. But if you genuinely wish to use the thread for its intended purpose, I will certainly not deny you that right… consider yourself unignored :slight_smile:

I almost would…

…but then you say this:

You just enjoy stirring the pot, which is a shame, as on your own thread you have made some sense, but you couch it in terms that has me defending HoG’s castle.

So no, in the grand scheme of things it’s not worth fussing about, but throwing around words like ‘hate’ and ‘despise’ is a little reactionary-sad.

Nothing in what HoG posted made clear any hatred, whatever you might think.

He’ll just claim after the fact that he’s teaching everyone some important life lesson - along the lines of ‘patience is important in trading’, perhaps - and his acolytes will lap it up.

I saw numerous typing errors in his post, which suggested to me that he was in an emotionally charged state of mind.

But there is no need to defend him, I could really care less if any of you (or all of you) did in fact hate me. Like I said, I will remain positive and continue to speak what I believe to be the truth :slight_smile:

I don’t despise you John, far from it in fact. Given your position I actually believe you could be a very valuable asset to this forum.

I just thought that your posts tended to display a very un-necessary arrogance. And your belief that it would be a “badge of honour” to be ignored by your thread only serves to reinforce that thought in me.

As for the intended use of your thread, genuinely without trying to be cheeky or insulting, I can’t worknout what it is. I lost 18 pips in the last hour going long NZD/GBP. Price just about hit my stop to the number before popping up to almost at my intended target.

Overall it doesn’t bother me, like I said previously, I’ve actually had a good week overall thanks to the Yen. I just don’t see what purpose it serves to talk about my feelings on it. Now if I was to post the trade, screenshots and all, and we discussed what went right, what went wrong, I could see some some value in that.

Please also don’t assume that because I talk about golf it means I’m not focussing on my trading. If you had read a wee bit further back in thevthread you’d know that I am a taxi driver and I have a laptop set up in my taxo so I can watch the charts all day. I’m learning John, it may be slow, but it doesn’t mean I’m not doing it.

But like I said at the start, in your position, you could prove to be a very valuable asset to this place, as you and many others have ready pointed out, there is enough BS and waffle in this place and we need all the genuine experience we can get.

There are only a few good men, (and women) on here who have the experience needed to help and guide, and you could be one of them without doubt if you so desired.

The only thing I would ask is that you take the combative edge out of your posts. It’s not necessary.

I hope you stick around and help people, just don’t say anything bad about golf, that would be a step too far John.


Typing this because I’ve missed a few posts while writing my bigger post above. The typing errors John, which you believe were down to my unstable emotional state, are actually the result of having quite fat fingers and a very small phone touch-screen, but I’ll do mi bost to improov.

The Losers Anonymous thread is working its magic, whether people participate or not. The message is out there… the true nature of the forums has been revealed to all! The simple fact that people are just thinking about losses instead of [B]$ $ $[/B] is doing them more good than you can imagine.

And please, let me be the judge of what is necessary in my postings.

and oh, I would never talk bad about golf. I haven’t made too many visits to the links, but the few times I have were very enjoyable :slight_smile:

Oh that comment was said in jest… that SimonTemplar character takes things a bit too seriously methinks :slight_smile: