The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

I’m scanning this letter by letter, I’ll let you know when I find something I disagree with. not entirely sure about the [B][I]“I’m a Tiger…grrr”[/I][/B] part, but hey, I’ll give it a go !!

I think the lesson learned is to take only one trade. Silly really leaving a order there and NOT expecting it to get hit, what’s the point of putting it there then???

But everything is a lesson now, taking the whole thing more seriously now than I have done previously, so it’s a lesson for the future. Thanks for the arse kicking, knew I could depend on you mate :).

And surprise surprise AK is back, aquapip this time no less. Here’s one or you all…

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Did you hear about the magic tractor???..It turned into a field.

Just let me know when it stopped being funny…if it ever was.

1.52 to break, me to win next years Masters and Elvis to be found working in a chip shop in Brighton…That’s my predictions…not too convinced about the 1.52 part though !!!

Hey HoG, I see that you’ve been chastised for the bad aspects of this trade, but I think you have also stumbled upon a thought process that can help you spot the choicest entry points. You entered in the direction of the trend at an extreme point that you thought wouldn’t be reached given the current sentiment. But trends retrace, and retracements can run deep, and when price hits such an ‘absurd’ level after moving against the trend, the reaction is hard and fast.

If you apply the same line of reasoning, but with a stricter and consistent set of rules there is a pretty trusty edge in there IMHO.

I just don’t think you’re the type that succeeds at trading. You’re such an average joe it hurts… look at the $150 account for christ sake. Simon Templar, while being a bit high on himself 24/7 is actually a genuine success story. Problem is he got there because “Claire” spotted him a couple years of living expenses so he could do this thing right… and he did! All you need HoG is for your wife to support you for awhile, and then you can get on your high horse every day like Simon Templar and hangout with the hobby traders on an anonymous internet forum! Huzzah!

I see the arse-hole reduction surgery never worked then ???

I am doing nothing right now. Waiting for a signal.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Pippatron, but all in vain I fear.

Akeakamai, TheCarPainter, AK3, Elvis, ICT grovelling wonderpuppy or whatever name she is going by this weather, has already deemed me to be “such an average joe it hurts.” and the kind who just doesn’t succeed in trading.

So it’s all in vain, after all, when someone with such a vast forex fortune speaks, we’d all do well to listen now wouldn’t we??

So what was the surgery anyway Elvis, or Aquaprick or AbellendamI?? Did your bank manager have your hands sewn to your head to stop them reaching into your pockets and refunding another exploding account???

God you’re depressing and if you don’t like me, or my $150 account, feel free to leave. We’ll miss you for a while. But two seconds from now we’ll have forgotten all about you and it’ll be like you never ever existed.

…1…2…so what was I saying, oh yes…not sure about the “[B][U]I’m a Tiger…Grrr”[/U][/B] part though

It was a hernia repair surgery. Got it from liftin heavy ass weights at my “minimum wage drudge”

I think you’re great HoG, it’s YOU who shouldn’t like yourself. Stop failing at trading… JUST STOP IT!

(if only you could)

It’s a little choppy out there for my Intraday tastes at the moment, and this is my first real week back, so I’m starting off just EOD. But certainly, I’m eying the Cable Daily chart. It has formed a lovely rising channel, and today is currently looking at forming a nice low test third bounce of the lower trendline. It also coincides with the 50 Fib level drawn from the recent swing low (apologies for the lack of charts, stuck with iPad only, sorry). So while I appreciate that it’s early in the day (1500 here), if it holds as a low test until the bar’s close this evening I’ll be long.


HoG, trolls will always be trolls, so you just have to ignore them… plus is better to blow up a $150 account than a $20.000 account with the inheritance that came from the whole life’s hard work from mommy and daddy. That really have to hurt :smiley:

Does your husband know you’re using his computer when he’s out ???

When something’s funny, I find it funny. But thank you for proving my point that you don’t know us.

Take this, for instance. Calling someone names isn’t funny or clever, it just makes you look an idiot. So suddenly noone’s laughing with you, although a few might be laughing at your oft-paraded insecurities.

Yours, incidentally, is the highest horse of all.

Not from eating all that crow?

The thing is, if HoG studied under me for a few months, and completely ignored the garbage you guys stuff him with, he’d be quite profitable. But you need to continue dispensing your sub-par advice (with the exception of ST, I trust him because he knows not to post his live trades) in order to feed your starving egos.

You guys use him for selfish purposes, and he pays the price! I guess in return you pretend to enjoy his terrible scottish cabbie humour

I had guessed at either a sex change or breast implants or possibly even a sphincter replacement operation.

But it turns out it was a hernia after all, probably brought on by carrying around the all that guilt of destroying in twenty minutes what it took his parents a lifetime of sweat to accumulate.

As an outside bet I’d went for the operation being having his head surgically removed from ICT’s arse, maybe that’s why Simon Le Bon.Com has been late in launching, maybe he’s recovering too after having a growth removed from his butt.

Oh Damn, there’s another one of those rookie mistakes, went and closed my Aussie too early for +20, and now that $150 account is $160 something, sh*t…I just can’t get the hang of this.

The goal is to avoid getting your ego wrapped up in an online identity, which you clearly just failed at.

And I guess the way to achieve this is by having multiple online identities, presumably so that when you do fail, you just simply move on the the next AKA ???

I mean after all, you can only destroy the inheritance once, the next reincarnation might actually even win sometimes

[QUOTE=“The Home Of Golf;480909”]

And I guess the way to achieve this is by having multiple online identities, presumably so that when you do fail, you just simply move on the the next AKA ???[/QUOTE]

Lol … Akeakami would have wanted to just stick with one profile but he keeps getting them banned.

I don’t think Aaron really wants just one profile - he got Akeakamai deliberately banned through swearing.


I don’t think Aaron really wants just one profile - he got Akeakamai deliberately banned through swearing.[/QUOTE]

Why would he keep revealing who he is then with his new accounts?