The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

I keep telling you guys to listen to ST. I bug him but I respect him too. He nailed this little factoid for instance


I keep telling you guys to listen to ST. I bug him but I respect him too. He nailed this little factoid for instance[/QUOTE]

Then you are even less intelligent then I was giving you credit for.

Because it amuses him.

I’m like a laser.

You only bug me when you’re mean to people I like, or when you were nauseatingly obsequious during the whole ICT thing.

I have liked some of your trading posts, and have said so, and sometimes I have found your posts funny, and again have said so. Then just as I’m thinking you’re okay you’re suddenly very rude, either to me or someone I like, and I am reminded that life’s too short, and that the unpleasant bits of your presences here too often outweigh the good bits, these days.

Noooooooooo, my only weakness!

… reluctant compliments!!! i’m meeeeeeeeltttingg

Found a new avatar for you AbellendamI;

It’ll do when you come back as AK4, TheRoadPainter, hernia-pip

I’ll tell you guys why I am here… for real. I am returning a gift that this forum gave to me.

You see… I am the type of person that isn’t motivated by people being nice to me. Lots of people were nice to me, and look what happened… I lost money for years and years.

Then some “TT trolls” (you know the group) came and really hacked me to bits. Attacked my losses, my motivations, my job, and pretty much everything I had ever done including maintaining the online identity of “akeakamai”.

THEY SAVED ME. It really got to me, that my failure was so apparent to everyone, so I changed, and started taking this trading game so seriously that nothing could stop me from succeeding. I already had the knowledge… but after that point… I had the MOTIVATION.

That is what they gave me, and that is what I am giving to HoG and others like him. Because I see they are like me… they don’t NEED kindness, they NEED an aZZ like me to come and piss them off enough to CHANGE.


[QUOTE=“aquapip;480924”]I’ll tell you guys why I am here… for real. I am returning a gift that this forum gave to me.

You see… I am the type of person that isn’t motivated by people being nice to me. Lots of people were nice to me, and look what happened… I lost money for years and years.

Then some “TT trolls” (you know the group) came and really hacked me to bits. Attacked my losses, my motivations, my job, and pretty much everything I had ever done including maintaining the online identity of “akeakamai”.

THEY SAVED ME. It really got to me, that my failure was so apparent to everyone, so I changed, and started taking this trading game so seriously that nothing could stop me from succeeding. I already had the knowledge… but after that point… I had the MOTIVATION.

That is what they gave me, and that is what I am giving to HoG and others like him. Because I see they are like me… they don’t NEED kinds, they NEED an aZZ like me to come and piss them off enough to CHANGE.


Sounds like you are just bitter.

You’re projecting your own bitterness onto me. Stop doing that.


You’re projecting your own bitterness onto me. Stop doing that.[/QUOTE]

Identifying a trait doesn’t require ownership… You lost a ton of money… You lost a mentor… And you lost a babypips account. Probably because you were so heavily entrenched in the ICT camp and he made you guys look like fools you rather be banned then live it down.

My God, have you actually read what you’ve just wrote??

Good grief, at the risk of crossing the line of good taste, I pray to God you don’t have a firearms license.

Nice analysis ST. Cables my chosen poisen, has been for a long time. I got a signal on the 4h @ 12:00 GMT for a long. 8h not yet confirmed. Went long from 5230, although obviously early days (or 4h’s) yet. :5:

Can I offer a ‘wee’ bit of friendly advice Hog? Don’t get sucked in mate! I few years ago now ‘Sweetpip’ bless her cotton socks! :10: set me strait when I went head to head with a particulary vicious troll. Just let it slide.

Bless your cotton socks too RC. (I’m not giving you the kiss smilie though !!)

drink up me hearties Yo Ho!! Back to trading we go.

Meant to like this at the time, but was preoccupied.

Awe is there problems in your relationship? Guess the honeymoon is over for you 2

Look, I blessed his cotton socks, there’s just a limit to what a girl will do in public bobmaninc. (obviously that’s not including Glaswegian girls)

Tossing a coin right now as to whether I go long GU or short UJ.

As ST said earlier today, GU has bounced from the bottom of the rising channel, so bias for this pair is more than likely long:

And UJ seems to have had another failed attempt at 100.00, which now seems to be holding as resistance:

And with FXCM’s own dollar index printing today’s bearish candle rejecting previous resistance, I think I’m already facing the choices ST mentioned today.

  1. Take both at half risk
  2. Take one at full risk
  3. Take neither

I actually think both trades are good pretty much at current market price.

Decisions decisions.

This is my Cable chart, I am not in this long trade, I should have taken it… the risk/reward ratio was excellent… worth the risk… of course after price moves is easy to say :slight_smile:

Now just being an observer

Nice work you guys. I feel I cant let you all down as I see a possible short setting up on the Bobmaninc.

We got price testing a downward trendline at the daily pivot and a 128 fib. Shooting for the 162 fib and the S2 daily pivot

Interestingly Yunny the 50 fib also comes into play around 1.5550.