The Trader's Arms 2nd Floor

See I was wrong, came in a bit better than expected.

Closed for 20 pips. I was a bit hasty, but that’s ok. Our friend makes a living off 10 pips per trade

Nice one, my trade remains long. Will have to ask pizza about his opinion on the numbers. If he was going long/short etc

Not by much, I think there’s still a chance of a bounce upwards, that’s why I jumped out.

A thread that should not go to sleep!

Hands up all those that think like I do that aud/usd has reached bottom at 9520 and that the smarts are buying the aussie on the qt.

[QUOTE=“peterma;496383”]A thread that should not go to sleep!

Hands up all those that think like I do that aud/usd has reached bottom at 9520 and that the smarts are buying the aussie on the qt.[/QUOTE]

I tentatively agree… I would wait till Monday for the interest rate decision though.

Hmm…, if I was a smart I maybe would think like Mon, or then I would maybe have already set my orders, rate decision has been made, now just to get the numbers right and get retail wrong.


Hmm…, if I was a smart I maybe would think like Mon, or then I would maybe have already set my orders, rate decision has been made, now just to get the numbers right and get retail wrong.[/QUOTE]

Right… Most retailers are long on audusd right now though :wink: so that means to get retailers wrong they would cut rates and drive it down further using that logic.

Next major support would be .9400

I also dont see how anyone thinks most retailers are long. Most retail traders are trend following sheep. Price is down they are short. There is no solid support here for PA traders to go long.

I am not saying price cant go lower but I dont see them cutting rates and if you look at a daily and 4hr it shows price is slowing down now.

And that’s why it’s invite only :smiley: But you have to admit it’s worth browsing here occasionally for entertainment eh?

When was the last time I made a call. That last post was not a call it was just an opinion. Seems like you cant come on here and make anything besides a new screen name. My account has been in profit and in loss. Overall it has maintained unlike your mentor. I have made bad choices this year making the switch from part time to full but I have not lost anything. I never claimed to be able to make a million. Also where are your profits at least I show my account.

Now I got to ask what you are trying to get at here. Most of the calls I made worked. Is that not what everyone on here asks for? To call there trades before hand. Everyone can tell you about the left side of the chart like your buddy ICT. I called the right side (that black hole that has not happened) and again most worked. Sure I was not right all the time no one is but at least I took the risk. At least I made a call. I dont do it know as people are not interested in trading they want signals. So by leaving the forum how is that going to make them a better trader without any calls at all. Or was it like the call you made I was going to have a loosing week after I got into it with you a while back. I recall that your call was wrong. Care to make another one

[QUOTE=“bobmaninc;496453”]Next major support would be .9400

I also dont see how anyone thinks most retailers are long. Most retail traders are trend following sheep. Price is down they are short. [/QUOTE]

Not even close bob… Most retailers fight the trend tooth and nail. When the trend is down they are long.

76% of retailers on oanda are long audusd right now.

People like to pick tops and bottoms to make themselves feel good about being right.

Like peterma did earlier.

Lol TT was right I made another bad call. I checked FXCM and its about the same.

[QUOTE=“bobmaninc;496492”]The new AK screenname Technicaltrader.[/QUOTE]

I was the one who said it though lol…

I was commenting on a statement to made about me coming on here a trying to make calls. Even after all this time I still dont know how to multiquote lol

Click the multiquote button (on each post you want to multi-quote) then on the last post you want to include hit the “reply with quote” button and all the posts you “multi-quoted” will be there, and you can put your text in between them if you want, just look for the quoted sections. :57:

I think its just easier to bait and snipe than it is to make money, or trade well. most people take the path of least resistance.

Ok Pizza (just finished a brilliant Margueritta btw) you’ve got me, can’t figure where that info is, looking at the chart I suspect they all are chasing, cftc saying the non-reports extreme short aussie futures (even further to the short side than they were to the long side just before the drop in price, bless them) - I know, I know before you start telling me that the non reports are not necessarily all retail, reality is the majority are.

Now the comms, who need little blessing, they are exactly where they were back at beginning of 2012, they’re long and more importantly have been getting longer, as you would expect, when price is falling - the big point is their level.

So how to get retailers wrong?- nothing to do with rba as you well know, but instead a lot to do with the aforementioned smarts, I’m sure you know well how they ‘manipulate’ or ‘engineer’ or whatever you want to call it.

Now maybe I’m reading all this upside down, maybe I’m enjoying a little of that fruitless and often expensive exercise of bottom picking - but heck I enjoy it.

I absolutely love doing it, and I’m not that bad at it either - especially on the 1 hour, on the daily I’m useless, maybe that’s why good traders are not in the least interested in picking.

Now do I trade such bottoms and tops - used to do, now not a chance, it’s more akin to gambling imo, then why do I do it?

I suppose it’s a little like talking to yourself and being answered back, a little like the pro trader calling up his friends and asking ’ what do you think?’ whilst he is in the middle of a trade that may be going a little hairy - maybe even a sense of ‘being close’ to the market - the being right or wrong element doesn’t really come into it - think I need a shrink to answer this one :slight_smile: