Westfx on zulutrade

Interesting! So, all this weaking you are seeing, could also means lower returns for us as well???
how do you plan to use it in your advantage?

Well I think it is updating pretty much all the time. IF you are concern about your ranking you can see it in your performance tabs and then you can see if it has changed!

I don’t think it will mean lower returns at all. Quite the opposite!
Once larger long term trends like the ones i have described start, then its ideal trading weather!

Should mean good returns either way, its the in between like it is now that’s not ideal.

Make sense?

It updates around 12 noon each day normally, but didn’t for me yesterday.

Just wondered if anyone else noticed.

It has today though, think it might have been related to the issues they had.

ZuluTrade - Trader Performance - A CLEAR HORIZON


I had an email back from zulu:

Provider tickets:
8.635351513417363573, 8.635351513417368321, 8.635351513417363562, 8.635351513417363590

I would like to inform you that those pending orders were canceled due to rates issue yesterday. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

I imagine it affected a LOT of traders considering it probably wasnt isolated to those few pairs. Hopefully fixed now!

So they’re not going to do anything about it??
They can’t do anything for you?

I would assume not - they are the trades that show on your history as green that should never even have opened - price goes nowhere near what it shows your open as (i.e CAD/JPY opened at 93.11 - price hasnt dropped below 93.619 in the last 24 hours!)

Technically I havnt lost out on anything, and the trade they shut that shouldntve (AUD/CHF) I only lost ~50 pips (and the price hasnt gone anywhere near the break-even anyway so technically if it hits your stop in FXCM I havnt lost anything really)

I opened an audit just in case I can claim back the couple (literally) of pounds it cost me, but if its impossible to get back then its not a disaster.

Yeah, not a disaster but still a shame.

Never mind I guess, I’ll just have to try and make you twice as much profit now! lol

Thanks for the ‘likes’ guys!

The euro and pound continue to weaken, the long term reversal is looking more and more likely.

The above show the potential change in sentiment [remember its the opposite on the SSI]

Bad euro news = more euro weakness.

I doubt it. They always work in protecting the customer. I think we need to wait and see when the issue will be resolved!

On an unrelated note.

Isn’t this weather nice! [uk 'pipers]

Hopefully the weathers nice for babypipers all round the world as well, we’re just not quite as used to it!

Jinxed it, prepare for thunderstorms and freak snow

I wouldn’t be surprised! Lol

SSI: Retail Crowd at the Precipice of Flipping EUR/USD Positioning

SSI: Euro Long Interest Continues to Grow, Warning of Further Losses

A nice, relatively news free day, that’s what we like to see!

As well as sunshine again!!

I’m aware that there haven’t been that many trades recently. As said before as soon as there is confirmation of the long term market reversal then there will be a pretty constant supply of trades for at least the next 6 months to a year.

So please be patient.

Remember, its very important to know when NOT to trade.