What do all successful retail traders have in common?

Hey everybody! just curious what the responses will be for this question; i’ll start; i’d say things that all successful retail traders have in common are patience, perseverance, and a trading plan ( the trading plan helps with another key common trait - consistency ) ; successful retail traders also have sound risk management in their trading plan; lemmie know what you think :slight_smile:

I’ve had periods of profitability. I’d say I’m more often profitable when I trade consistently, so like consistently In a given day and then across the week. And then also when I don’t trade emotionally, so sticking to my plan. Part of the emotional control is also not risking too much and staying inside the risk per trade per day rules…

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Hi, check this topic Program your success

I think this is right. :sunglasses:

The other thing all the ones I’ve ever known have in common is that once they’ve become steadily successful, they switch from spot forex to forex futures to they can leave behind almost all the problems, difficulties and concerns they’ve ever had, take advantage of far better regulation and security while safely getting higher leverage, not need to pay spreads, have their broker on their side instead of against them, and trade in a genuine, transparent market rather than just betting against a barely-regulated counterparty who controls and can manipulate the price of their own “products”. :sweat_smile:

Unsurprisingly, nobody ever switches back. :wink:

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The few successful traders I have known all had a handful of strategies which they used. They had clear pictures in their heads of what a trade entry and exit looked like. They all had the ability to see, judge and act instantly - trading is not an instinctive fight-or-flight activity so this must only have been driven by their clear strategies.

They traded in a black-and-white world -
Is this a trade? Get in.
Is this position still moving my way? Stay in.
Is this position moving against me? Get out.

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