What we are NOT being told about Corona

Is Coronavirus The Fraud Of Our Lifetime?

CDC Admits There Is NO EVIDENCE of
CV-19 infection In 131,000 'COVID deaths’
Docs Are Paid To List Covid As Cause Of Death

Is Coronavirus The Fraud Of Our Lifetime? CDC Admits There Is NO EVIDENCE of CV-19 infection In 131,000 'COVID deaths' Docs Are Paid To List Covid As Cause Of Death

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Bye bye Chump!

Fauci spent 50 years hoodwinking us and lying to us while infecting us with AIDs, SARS and COVID. Joe Biden spent 47 years lying, stealing and creepy sniffing children and women. And, let’s not talk about the Clintons and the Obamas. Tsk, tsk!

What is it with you lefties being career criminals? Don’t you believe in honest labor? Don’t you fear judgement day? Oh, wait! You denounce God and worship the devil. Got it!

Good for the Goose but not good for the Gander

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How about…

  1. Take the virus seriously
  2. Not slow play holding a meeting with head of HHS when the virus was first announced in Dec 2019, to actually get ahead of the virus
  3. Use the pandemic plans created by Bush and Obama, rather than disband the teams already in place to deal with one
  4. Not cut CDC China pandemic staff by 2/3
  5. Maintain spending of international teams put in place to track new viruses globally, before they get to us
  6. National contact tracing strategy
  7. National masks mandate
  8. Not politicize the mask wearing
  9. Not tell his people to slow testing down
  10. Coordinate PPE sourcing and stock piling after the virus was here
  11. Stockpile PPE before the virus exploded, you know, the three years he was president, before the virus was here
  12. Coordinate with China and other countries in vaccine research and development
  13. Not end pandemic early warning system
  14. Listen to CDC disease experts, scientists and virologists instead of himself, non scientists, news anchors
  15. Great work on the China ban, but what about the 40k+ he let in from China after the ban, and what coordination after to contact trace?
  16. European ban earlier, not 6 weeks after we realized East Coast spread came from Europe, not China
  17. Actually coordinate the European flight ban with European countries instead of just mentioning it by Twitter and news media, and causing a panic with US citizens abroad, causing them all to overrun US and international airports trying to get home, because they thought they would get stuck
  18. Wear a mask publicly
  19. Actually listen to US suppliers who contacted the adminstration about PPE manufacturing here in the US, instead of trying to get it abroad
  20. Not have the government out bid state governments for PPE and ventilators
  21. Learn what supply chain management is, not have Jared Kushner pull volunteers off the street to run the federal government’s PPE and medical equipmemt manufacturing and procrument strategies. Wait, there weren’t any strategies. The volunteers we’re brought in to actually develop the strategy. There were no experts on the team.
  22. Stop undermining your own CDC suggestions, like mask wearing
  23. Wear a damn mask.
  24. Wear a damn mask.
  25. Wear a damn mask.
  26. Not host spreader events at the White House
  27. Not lie about anybody can get a test today if they want. That was March. Testing capacity was nowhere near even everybody getting a test with weeks, let alone a day.
  28. Not jeopordize the presidency and upper reaches of government by getting infected and infecting family members, staff members and other politicians. The leader of the free world, with secret service, whatever experts he wants at his finger tips, couldn’t keep his house clean.

There’s a good 20+ things he could have done/not done better/faster/more truthfully. Interested to hear anybody’s thoughts on whether you think these aren’t a president’s responsibility.


Did you add “Wear a damn mask” to your list? :smile:

Agreed! He should have ordered these :point_down:t2:

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Might add it a couple more times. Just to make sure. :joy:

Sweden three weeks ago

As of Oct. 18, Sweden’s per-capita death rate—58.6 per 100,000 people—was among the highest in the world. And from early September to early October, average daily cases nationwide rose by 173%, with particularly dramatic increases in cities such as Stockholm and Uppsala.

Sweden a week ago

It follows similar guidance brought in for the university town of Uppsala on October 19, and for the Skane region — which includes the major city of Malmö — on October 27.

Eva Melander, the doctor in charge of infectious diseases in Skåne, said at a press conference: “It’s a very worrying development. We are in a completely different situation from what we were in only a week ago. Now we need to slam on the emergency brakes to stop this development.”

Interesting comparison of UK response and regulation versus Sweden

Only yesterday new documents from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies revealed that hospital admission levels had exceeded — and daily death count had met — the government’s reasonable worst-case scenario. A scenario that suggests there could be as many as 85,000 deaths over the course of this winter.

Sweden is like every other European country. Surging cases. Lockdowns or semi lockdowns on the horizon, and worry about what the winter will bring.

The destruction of American businesses

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How do you expect to be taken seriously when you regurgitate nonsense like this?

I believe a credibility problem is all yours. I do my research and it’s all posted in this thread. I can’t help it if you choose to gloss over it. Take a horse to water …

But, you drink only cool aid. Can’t help you.

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Go see your family on Thanksgiving! New Yorkers told NOT to celebrate by lawmakers get new message

College Prof Floats COVID Temperature Tests To ‘Keep Trump Voters Out’

Remember this? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Talking of sheep…

Trump is my Shepard. I shall follow him anywhere.

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Oh, the shameful hypocrisy :exclamation:

Isolation Camps are Conspiracy Theory Right? Listen :point_down:t2:

Mega slip of the tongue :point_down:t2:

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