What we are NOT being told about Corona

Perhaps you should read QuadPip’s link again !

"Following the swine flu outbreak of 2009, about 60 million people, most of them children, received the vaccine"

Nowhere in that sentence does it say “in UK”

QuadPip is doing a fantastic job keeping those of us who wish to be informed - informed.

As Falstaff also pointed out “Try searching Thalidomide”

A vaccine normally takes 5-10 years to be licensed.
This vaccine is being thrust upon citizens, at very short notice, for an illness which has a recovery rate of more than 99.5%
Untold damage has been caused by fools and politicians, who in their megalomania see fit to curb human freedoms.

I concur with QuadPips that it is best you repair to your ‘crayon crew’.


A global team of experts has found 10 FATAL FLAWS in the main test for Covid and is demanding it’s urgently axed.

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@peterma Here’s the evil :point_down:


@ChefGruel tells it like it is: I’m not the a$$hole here, the Governor is!

Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19? | Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

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Perhaps you should try that yourself.

Both appear to say “UK”
People like you who don’t read articles properly are exactly why more care needs to be taken when posting

Thalidomide was not the topic of Q’s post. I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with vaccines here, I am merely pointing out how misinformation and inaccuracies actually hinder the message Q is trying to make.

I think you may be another member of the Incontinent Crew, enjoy your adult diaper.

L.A. Sheriff Says He Won’t Enforce Newsom’s Stay-At-Home Order Against Businesses

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Following the swine flu outbreak of 2009, about 60 million people, most of them children, received the vaccine.

Across Europe, more than 800 children are so far known to have been made ill by the vaccine.

Since 2009, across Europe! Not in a single year and not just in the UK.

Where do I state that I give two pennies about you taking me seriously?

You must have missed the reading comprehension classes in school, if you ever went to school, that is. First, learn to read then learn to understand what it is that you’re reading and then learn to put forth your arguments in a way that doesn’t make you look stupid.


OMG Quadpip You have beaten me to it by about 30 second !!!

This boy missed the comprehension classes alright :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You are quicker than me on the ‘cut and paste’ job !

Absolutely spot on :+1:

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My guess is that you were born 1974 - and that you are UK.

If I’m guessing right then you will have the choice of whether to accept the vaccine or not in about 5-6 months time - but it will not be thrust upon you.

You determine a recovery rate of 99.5% which sounds reasonably safe and as a trader def a number to go with.

Some years ago I was presented with numbers - not as good as yours - it was 98% success rate - only a 2% failure (i.e. death)

Later it emerged that had I not chosen the 98% and took the injections I would have been in the 2% category.

Yay, looks like COVID cured us of the flu!

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President-elect Joe Biden says Americans won’t be forced to take a coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available in the US.

Biden will advise people to take the vaccine but will not insist on it.

@CarlosRay, Governments won’t make it mandatory… because then they are the bad guys… They’ll ensure the citizens that don’t agree with any future “Mandatory Vaccinations” are tarred and feathered…

Only the extremely simple can not see this coming… they will force you to have it by stealth…

Want to travel Internationally or even domestically via air?..
No Vaccination, no Fly…

Want to receive medical care at a Hospital, Doctor, Clinic or even elective surgery…
No Vaccination… No Procedures or Health Care…

Want to commute via Public Transport…
No Vaccination… No ticket…

Want to enter a Public Building, Library, Courtroom, maybe even a Cinema or even a Casino…
No Vaccination… No entry…

The list will go on and on… And all enforced under the novel cover of Public Health Directions

Until you are at the point where you cannot effectively participate in society… Until vaccinated…

Edit: New legislation was passed into law in Victoria (already applied in some states in the US) during September 2020. Law enforcement could not “make” you to take the vaccination under constitutional law… So they installed an “Emergency Measures Act” under which, if a Citizen is deemed a “Public Health Risk”… ie: COVID positive… Then said Citizen can be “forced” by an “Authorised Officer? Police, Doctor, etc” to be vaccinated!! All sneakily put in place under the cover of the Emergency Measures Act, ensuring normal legislation limiting laws do not apply…

QANTAS Airlines in Australia has already stated… No Jab, No Fly…

Only the terminally ignorant will fail to see how this plays out…

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Wouldn’t disagree with that, just stating Bidens position.
He’s smart enough to know that any attempt to make it mandatory will only make people more entrenched, widening divisions he wants to heal.
Will be very interesting to see how this pans out

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Privately owned company - they can choose to refuse just like a person can choose not to fly - that’s democracy.

What’s the alternative - force private companies do what the government wants - that’s communism.

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YOU don’t get to set the agenda - Subject was around the safety of poorly tested medication and NOT “Who said what” :roll_eyes:

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