What we are NOT being told about Corona

The Ugly Face of Marxism. AOC deleted the following tweet :point_down:

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Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Hollywood couldn’t make this ■■■■ up any better than the DemonRats.

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Not sure if this is fake or not but it sure does read like something right our of 1984

Screenshot 2020-12-24 at 6.54.48 AM


@Johnny1974 pointed me to this video. Dr. Coleman has some good info on COVID. Good find Johnny!

International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why it is impossible for patients to give informed consent to the vaccine, and he exposes what he believes is a huge unreported scandal involving the UK Government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Professor Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist who played a key role in convincing the British government to adopt lockdowns, revealed that the country’s lockdowns were meant to emulate those carried out by the Chinese Communist Party – modeled to strip civil liberties and exert authoritarian control over citizens.

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They F*cking Knew :bangbang:

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“Bio-terrorists” Hah! :joy:


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Hot Mic: Covid case mortality is 1/10th of what they’ve been claiming :bangbang:

Mods, post flagged - please keep this troll in check

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WATCH: Dr. Fauci Gets Called Out By CNN For Lying to the American People

[ CNN calls him out? What is happening? ]

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They are so lazy that they are regurgitating old lies!

Nurse Gets Bell’s Palsy After Taking “Vaccine” (Paralyzed Face) - Nashville,TN

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Bill is so reassuring - Sign me up!


Chinese virus has transformed into a new variant… if you remember correctly. Chinese virus has this variation, is it happening in the UK or France … People are thinking that the virus is like a time bomb or not? Because, in time it will change to a new form to avoid vaccines

wow - that looks nice !

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A treasure trove of resources on COVID-19


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