What we are NOT being told about Corona

London: A 3,000 bed Covid hospital inexplicably vanishes :bangbang:


CDC now admits that only 6% of the 360,000 Covid deaths actually died from Covid.

That’s roughly 21,600 people :bangbang:



Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.9 additional conditions or causes per death.


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They are mocking you… it’s right there in front of you, but you still choose not to see it.

Mods, post flagged - please keep this troll in check

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London: Anti-Lockdown Crowd Scares Off Bobbies

COVID can kill you even after you blow yourself up!

Bet you he didn’t have his mask on. Tsk, tsk!




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Johnson & Johnson pauses Covid-19 vaccine trial after ‘unexplained illness’

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that’s crazy and funny at the same time. that’s impossible

@SmallPaul Please keep your posts on topic

Was it ever about the masks? Or your safety?

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What’s in a vaccine?

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They rigged the election and now they are cheating live on TV. Watch the end :point_down:

Mods, post flagged - please keep this troll in check

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Dump masks, visit your loved ones, open up the country!

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Honestly I don’t follow this corona news for the past 6 months, nothing new to hear and learn. It only makes you depressed. If I know that there are 20 000 people with this virus detected every day It doesn’t make any change for me and my life. I don’t know them, I can’t see them on the street, I can’t detected who is sick and who is not. So it’s not needed information

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