What we are NOT being told about Corona

This is the guy that says quite a few of us humans are really reptiles in disguise.

And you suggest that it’s perilous to ignore him?

Please don’t reply to me as I’ve found an ignore button :slight_smile:

… baby with the bath water :slight_smile:

Just came across this video in which Dr. Andrew Kaufman shows his research on the COVID-19 virus. Essentially, he says that what they are calling COVID-19 are really Exosomes which occur naturally in the body and they function to remove toxins in the body. He explains his finding at length and provides references to his research.

Balanced information, not the mainstream drivel normally reported.

Oops haha. You noticed it right.

Dr Kaufman’s a respected psychiatrist. I would think any GP is as well qualified on virology.

He’s also a Natural Healing Consultant FFS.

I just watched the main part of your vid - and I just about understood what he was saying because I had already watched another shorter and quite convincing vid - which I will link to below - basically it says that it IS your own body which kills you - but the explanation is logical, reasonable and as I said convincing -

I mention @tommor here purely as a courtesy to draw your attention to this information :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope that helps us all to comprehend the mechanism ?

I’ve also seen a coupleof hints in various places that those admitted to hospital are UNDER - representing Smokers ??? !

Brett Weinstein says that ths seems weird and data seeems to say that only 1.2% of hospital admissions are smokers ! - but that If a smoker is admitted the likelihood is that pre-existing lung damage renders them more likely to die - He postulates there could be some connection with the effects on ACE Receptors - of the smoking !

{edit - just nipping out to the garage now for a quick Fag ! :wink: ]

Suddenly the whole thing begins to smell fishier than the Wuhan Fish market. What!?

Its not surprising that the US gives financial support to medical research in China, though I wish it was the US that was doing the research, or the UK, or in fact almost anyone except the Chinese, but that’s because I distrust the Chinese regime.

No doubt its possible this virus escaped a lab. Its also possible it was detected here because this is precisely where the best scientists are based who could have detected it. The symptoms are so like flu that perhaps it was already in the global environment before it was identified in Wuhan. For example, polio was a global endemic disease, but its causative agent was first identified in Vienna - that doesn’t mean it came from Vienna, it was already global.

@QuadPip, that vid has up and vanished… might be too close to the truth… gotta love Youtube…

They certainly don’t want us watching this.

Someone found it here and sent me the link. Watch it before they take this one down too!

Here’s the website for the movie.


Whoa. Thanks for the link. Shared it amongst the caring…

Some info from snopes - goes back before covad19.

The plot thickens…

She mentions this in her video. She claims that these were trumped up charges. And if that’s what she was jailed for then why did they put a gag order on her? And if what Snopes reports is true why would someone risk making a movie featuring her?

These are powerful people who also control the media. Snopes will not help you here.

Have you seen the video excerpt? There are doctors who are pissed off about this too. They have independently made videos and released these on YouTube. I recognize at least one such video that was used in the film.

Lol - maybe it’s thinning - a bit like my hair.

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Yes, David Icke isn’t as daft as people crack him up to be.

A lot of existentialists go a bit ga ga - Nietzsche, Wilhelm Reich, R.D. Laing etc.

It’s existential angst.

Wait until THEY lock Dr Rashid Buttar up with Julian Assange !