Your Favorite US Broker?

Well, you are in the ame logic of Herbalife swindlers, they say: “our products are made basicaly of protons and electrons and so we are and if we are made of the same as our products it cannot do harm”. Under that logic why don’t we just drink poison?? We are made of the same. And yes if the currency goes to hell we all go to hell with it but you will go there first, I will still have some paper to burn and protect myself from the nuclear winter.

You know, at firt I wanted to ask for you to be banned but people like you make me post more and more, keep going like this and I will be an Honorary Member faster, please!!! Keep on posting, I need to level up.

I will keep posting. Even if I spelled out exactly what I do, which I already almost have… You would be just as naive as you are now. People like your would be skeptical if the sun was up and it was shining down on your face giving you sun burn. How many times must I explain I can cover the market well beyond it’s historic low and as I put in more and more money the range I can cover goes up as well as the profits. At some point I can cover the market down to zero. right now 1.09 is plenty safe enough. The market fluctuates. If you fail to see that then who is at fault? The fact that I can capture these small fluctuations is what makes this system so successful. Who cares If I have a trade 100 pips up that’s losing $3 if I have already made that $3 back in less than 2 days because all my other trades constantly clear. September I was only using and average of 150 units. Do the math 150 units to get to $18 dollars…

Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, not even US Government could save them.

Pardon for being so dumb, but how does that math work?

Hey, I quit in the 9th grade, figured they had nothing to offer, lol…


Why would you deposit every two weeks if you claim to trade with no losses?
Why would Oanda close an account with nearly $20 profit?
Why would you say they kicked you out, only to retract your statement a few posts later?
I’m confused and you are screwing us around… :smiley:

if you are always buying the euro, of course you will make more money on down days, because you are buying low on a bullish market. how can you extract more profits if you are buying near the ceiling. isn’t that obvious?

try it on a bearish market and let’s see how your ‘strategy’ goes.

Most of my trades have been short, in a bullish market, :60:

I know your not talking to me, Im just trying to keep up with your posts, lol…

Hey MNVRS, if you were referring to my post… well, essentially it’s the same, except that you are shorting on a bull market and looking for at least few pips. I believe you are a fast in and out trader, unlike him.

LOL, how many posts are you gunning for? you need to post more and sleep less and trade less to attain whatever that is!! ha!

I really didn’t think in that

It’s all good Mr Gone. I know you were simply joking around. :wink:

Yeah!!! I know.

Seems like things chilled out for now, it was kinda hot the discussion. The bottom line: Buy&Hols BAD IDEA.

It’s only a bad idea if you can not cover enough of the market to be long term safe. Otherwise with too much risk you are putting yourself in a bad position with your money. Yes it’s a grid, but grids have coverage, this one happens to have a pretty long range.

What ever works for you dude…

But I wouldnt consider it trading, thats, just, Ummm, I have no comparison, lol…

Like, lol, Im still blank, long day… I probably shouldnt even post this, but, I put in brain effort, so, Im going to, just for fun…

Good night folks,

You don’t have more money than the market, have you ever heard about Nick Leeson and Baring Brothers??

I haven’t had to deal with that issue. And besides what’s the daily roller on $40? Still nothing. I use oanda so I don’t have hefty fee’s. They make there money off the spread. Even if I have trades in, new ones are placed and close daily so I constantly generate revenue. If it’s always positive regardless of how large the swap fee is I will always clear if since I have way less than 2% in the market. It doesn’t matter how much the market has, as long as I can spread my money all the way across it whether it be by pennies or dollars I can still hold positions equal distant throughout it. Each position turns a profit at some point in time. Some much sooner than others

AVAFX forex broker is my favorite US broker. It is regulated, reliable and trusted as well. I have doubt that there is any better education than BabyPips. It is the best one for me.

Are you sure?