Am I Lucky...Or What?

@THE_GOATE Get over yourself… I’m not attacking your trading…

Just the BS surrounding it…

Include in your next (Future…) screenshot(s) a running Balance column so we can see that your not flicking from account to account… And include running equity so members can see if you are hiding any rolling losses and all should be good…

Include the aforementioned information and you will definitely have a proof of concept for your strategy… Whether you are using a Demo or Real account is another story…

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If he is able to do that, would that impress you?

Then why force him to prove?

Also, I am not The Goatee.


Please post a video or myfxbook link and prove them wrong!


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My criteria for what? I’m commenting on a thread that is claiming to show beginners what is possible. I think it’s very misleading to show a picture of some winning trades without the true story of what this trading style returns. We can all treble our accounts on a good day with poor risk management, but the truth about what is possible is shown by how this performs over a long period of time on an account.

Anybody that looks a $100 account an thinks this guy has something special is completely misguided. There’s nobody in the world that would keep an account that small if they could win as often as is claimed by this guy. He should be a millionaire by now.

So my criteria of what is possible, is to show long term results and prove that this isn’t a fluke in nice market conditions. Otherwise you’re just one of the endless, arrogant narcissists that what some kind of attention for something they can’ actually achieve

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No I am just asking you what would you deem to be a good trader. You also tried to trade a £1200 to a £1 million, taking the same kind of risks as OP did. So it is hilarious you are calling out OP for the same thing you tried to “gloriously” perform.


In this journal, you attempted to create a rags to riches journal, the same journey you’re chiding OP for. Hypocrite much?

Come on Topgun, you should know by now what my good friends are really about, lol. Dont be too hard on them. I wont even bother to drill down into some of what they mentioned earlier such as whether this is a demo account and me switching from account to account. Laughable at best.
As I’ve stated before I have no reason to prove anything to anyone on here. However I realize I have a few followers who could possibly benefit somewhat from seeing these particular screenshots so here goes. Of course I expect to hear some more from my good friends but that is par for the course. The green eyed monster is alive and well!!!
Some people might not be aware but I get a statement in my email daily from my broker outlining the activity on my account for the day. The cutoff period is around 5 pm my time. I see a difference with the totals but I think it has to do with the sawp business I have been experimenting with to boost my earnings. Still havent lost a trade since that initial $100 deposit but dont crucify me. I tried, lol. Unfortunately I cant clarify anything any more than this. And for those interested it’s 215 straight wins without loss. Nothing special, as my good friends will tell you. Enjoy.


Oh nooooooooo!!! There he goes again with his flipping through accounts and posting demo accounts, BS as one poster put it. Silly in the extreme.
Anyway…This forex trading business is not nearly as complicated as some people make it out to be. All that one needs to do is sit down and spend some time looking at it and something will come to you. Reading what others write all around and watching their videos will help too. Even bad stuff is good to know about too because it tells you what not to do going forward.
People keep asking about my strategy but if one goes through and read what I’ve posted here in the past I’ve practically spelt it all out. One lot size, one instrument, one time frame, and the profit target is basically fixed except that I may vary it a bit per trade to round up my account balance to the nearest dollar. Even just examining the screenshots I post gives pointers as to what I am doing. How many people, for example, have taken the time to work out how many pips on average I make per trade? Probably none, not even my harshest critics because they have their agenda.
There is no need to recreate the wheel. All I am doing is eating the damn elephant. Go look up how they say that is done. While it is nice you dont need 100 or even 20 pips per day to make a bit of money trading forex. Compare how many times you see a 100 pip setup as against a 5 pip setup on a daily basis and tell me which is easier to bag. And keep in mind how much of a difference in the life of most traders here an additional US$10 per day can make.
Anyway that’s my contribution for today. Hope it helps someone out there. And of course another screenshot to feed my green-eyed monster friends out there. Lol.


And I ask again…If I ceased trading for the rest of this year how much would my rate of return be? Oh, and one clown up top described my trading as undisciplined simply because I trade with no stop loss. If only he knew just how much discipline it actually requires to trade with no stop loss and produce the results being displayed here. Clueless. But as the saying goes…You dont know until you know.


Usd 10 a day means nothing to me though lol.

I know what this is, real traders do.

But haters can and will argue that pictures can be photoshopped; and they have a point.

@THE_GOATE Ok… Goat, we still don’t see a running balance column or live Trade on your latest screenshot… I have added an example below to make it easy for you…

Maybe your incapable of adding them… So I have linked a Metatrader help page to give you some clues on how to present your screenshots in the future… MT4 is a beginner trading Platform after all…

See all the information in the sample above… That’s what transparency looks like… Go back through my profile and you’ll see ALL my account screenshots include ALL this information.

So you can jump up and down, flame anyone and everyone who doubt’s your claims… Type lots of waffle about who’s treating you badly in this thread… But until you learn to post provable information with your screenshots… I’ll continue to call BS…

Now lets see if you can meet the challenge… Oh… Try to enjoy the rest of your day…


You made $175 using $100. That’s 175%. Great ROI, but you need to chill the hell out.

I’m up 430% and I didn’t make a thread like you did.

Oh, since I mentioned it, I gotta back it up. Here you go:

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I am not him, as mentioned. Tired of your accusation.

OK, to “meet the challenge”, here goes:

I went as far as to post the email from the brokers outlining what is what on my account. I would assume that anyone trading for a reasonable amount of time could understand what was shown. Guess I was wrong.
You’ll have to find someone else to play your silly childish games, challenge or whatever you want to call it. Sorry but I’m not interested, nor do I have the time. The people looking on can judge for themselves who looks foolish or what. Good luck with your agenda though, and all the best with your trading.

Wish I could say the same. Lucky you.

Where are you from?

Just load up like I did and prove them wrong. You have nothing to lose and you get to silence critics.

@SgTopGunFx After some due diligence, it appears you work in this industry…

So I have amended my earlier posts, my apologies…

Looks like our OP has run away from Transparency… Just as I knew he would…


No problem. I have no issues with you, because unlike Chesterjohn, you’re no hypocrite.

The thing is, it isn’t impossible to perform such acts, although OP should prove it as well.

But you can’t make someone prove something and then go on to say “nope, even if you prove it, I don’t care”. That’s just being as asshole.

Cheers to you, good luck trading.

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