How to Spot a scammer here at Babpips

I agree that Military is not for everyone and so as being a successful traderā€¦ or any other profession or business in life. The main thing is if you want something in life and wanting to live the lifestyle you desiredā€¦ DO IT all 100% ( not 50-50 or less) and make NO excusesā€¦

Excuses are for losersā€¦ sorry to be blunt but trueā€¦

indeed. i know personally i can never take a demo account as seriously as i take going live. perhaps its because i started live first, although im sure many things factor into it. i wish someone would conduct a study on it, as its a pretty interesting topic to cover imo.

I always used to say: if you donā€™t fall in love with trading first time when you try it, donā€™t even bother. There are exceptions, of course, but I think that those are very rare.

One exception being a girlfriend?

Eh? Sorry, but I donā€™t understand.

If you donā€™t fall in love with a girlfriend the very first time, donā€™t bother to keep on trying. Thatā€™s how I took it.

And thatā€™s true too, at least in my case. :wink:

I understand that some parents may be hard up to provide for college for their kidsā€¦and usually, the kids in question would have to earn their college fees and quite a few business leaders did exactly that. Some never completed college and some, could not afford to go to one until later onā€¦
Yeah, life sucks and is rarely fairā€¦so parents and kids have to do the best that they canā€¦


Scam? Your thoughts?

edit: looks like the pdf is directly available for download now. :slight_smile:

Definitely. This user is starting threads all over the place with different aliases. Has already been banned once

I am not Banned! Add me on skype and ill send you the pdf for FREE!

I use the system. THis is me, just offering something for FREE! Use it or lose it

See! Proof that Iā€™m Telling the truth!

It doesnā€™t matter if you are or arenā€™t, there are forum rules about directing people away from the forum for good reasons.

If you really want to share your system, do it on the forum then no-one can complain about anything.

Scammers! If your system was so profitable, you wouldnā€™t share it with us. Itā€™s that simple!

ā€œA banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.ā€
-Mark Twain.

Good thread, should be stickied.

How can a suspected scammer prove they are legit? Iā€™m following a friend of a friend on twitter who is making typical to good to be true claims, e.g. I made 6000 pips in December on this pair. Also gives the hard sell to users that communicate with him. I asked him how much has made or what the value of those pips are and was told " Does that really matter? I have something you want which is the knowledge to extract 1000s of pips consistently"

6000 pips on one pair, in just a month?

Man, my skeptic senses are going wildā€¦

ā€œA banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.ā€
-Mark Twain.

When i asked for help on creating a thread you were all so friendly that no one helped me!

I just created this thread. If you get stuck in the maths ill help you. just leave questions in the thread

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever created a new thread but if I did want to the first place I would start trying would be the ā€œPost new threadā€ button.


ā€œA banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.ā€
-Mark Twain.