Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

Or to put it another way :slightly_smiling_face:



Hoping I’d given up…? No chance, the longer this Vaccine nonsense continues to run… The more accurate my original posts become… Credibility of the so called experts is now a major casualty…

Below is Professor Tim Spector from the ZOE Study, the UK’s LARGEST tracker of all things COVID.

Who is beginning to accept that the vaccines aren’t working and has retreated back to a position of “these vaccines prevent long COVID”… For those that struggle with reality, that it the soiled trench behind prevents hospital admissions

Have a read through the comments of his most recent YouTube vid… Quite a few of his longest and staunchest supporters have realised that even he knows that this game is over…


Numbers continue to soar…Even critical UK Ministers are now going to be sidelined into isolation.

New cases are up 80,000 plus in just 7 days… It will be 1.5 million per month in the next 7 days…

Noticeably and allowing for 28 days of official data lag… Admissions and Deaths are doubling every 14 days… I’ll let you do the math on the last 2 KPI’s so it might sink in just a little bit more.

A natural herd immunity appears now to be the only way out of this economic and mentality destructive pandemic, which has been my position all along… Believing in the hurriedly prepared false prophet in the form of a vaccine, no longer appears to be the soul religion to subscribe too… Now does it?

“This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit”: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries…"

Europe is seeing surges at many places where most of the population has already been vaccinated.

While the 15 least vaccinated countries don‘t seem to be facing similar problems.

Wasn’t this outcome predicted by Dr. Bossche back in March 2021?

Once again people… Not just an Opinion… Data and links provided…

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There he goes again, clouding the issue with facts.

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Immunity is the only way out that is possible according to the scientists from the outset - they have stated many times that the virus will not simply disappear of it’s own accord.

It’s how you achieve that immunity in the majority of people’s bodies (majority being ‘herd’) is the question.

UK at the beginning adopted an approach of let the virus go through the population at will in order to achieve this ‘herd’ immunity - the PM announced on live TV that he 'shook hands with everyone you’ll be pleased to know (March 2020)' - by implication we were to follow his lead.

Then the reality of sickness and death caused by this virus was realized, after a few weeks even the PM was hospitalized and placed in ICU - there had to be a better way.

Believe it or not once you contract SARS-CoV-2 you are immune for life just like any other coronavirus, this goes for the variants too. Unlike the gene therapy ‘vaccine’ which is proving to offer little to no protection at all, with the majority of new infections in Israel (the most heavily ‘vaccinated’ country in the world) occurring among the vaxxed.

Fortunately the delta variant is more contagious but much milder than SARS-CoV-2 (which goes unnoticed in the majority of infections especially the under 20s and 30s).

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No Shite Sherlock… Then what is your obsession with vaccinating everyone, all about?

Looks like a another lane change once again, like when facts don’t match the science moment!

Exactly, this is what we have both been posting, and the data has been indicating over the last few weeks. The article you have linked was from Jun 27… Much more prevalent in Israel’s data by 19 July.

A. Risk unknown LT side effects being jabbed (twice) with an emergency approved vaccination.

B. Risk getting Blood Clots or any other adverse injuries or reactions from the vaccination.

C. Risk getting COVID, natural immunity and taking on the shocking survival rate of 99.7%

It’s about informed consent… Not the “My medicine won’t work if you don’t take yours…” drivel…

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Just been informed of a worker tested positive yesterday - this is his second time around, tested positive last year - his symptoms so far this time are lesser.

He’s a big strapping lad but it knocked him for six last time.

I personally couldn’t care less whether you get vaxxed or not - it’s your govt that’s calling for you take the desperate plunge, close your eyes, grit your teeth and let the needle sink slowly in.

Believe me it’s only a prick :slight_smile:

Btw for guys reading and thinking or believing they are immune - the above worker is also dbl vaxxed - so don’t let your guard down just because the PM called today a freedom day (whilst he is in 10 day isolation).

Play safe, keep safe and live safe.

I’m going to be careful while the case rate in the community is so high - won’t be going indoors anywhere really busy for the foreseeable, won’t be visiting or hosting anyone for the weekend unless they’re double jabbed, no plans for train/coach/tube/airplane trips. Hoping to get a couple of nights in London in the autumn but no theatres/clubs/gigs etc.

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@tommor - This is disgusting, I would have thought better of you.

“won’t be hosting anyone for the weekend unless they are double jabbed”
So you want to dictate to your friends ? What kind of fascist host are you ? Or does your vaccine not work unless everyone of your friends are vaccinated. Obviously I would not be on your guest list but if I was, vaccinated or not, I’d tell you to get stuffed !

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Yes you’re right, here is some early July data from the Israeli Ministry of Health. The data makes it very clear that the experimental gene therapy isn’t conferring immunity or preventing transmission, not much of a ‘vaccine’ is it.

Just goes to show how unreliable the tests are. If he really had Covid-19 first time around he could not get it again. If he is a ‘big strapping lad’ and got knocked for six it is more likely he had influenza, covid barely registers with young people.

Mark Twain


Yes, I won’t be having anyone stay over with us unless they are double-jabbed. So I guess you can unpack your bags.

I am double jabbed but we all know the vaccine is not 100% effective. We know that the probability of infection is raised by prolonged indoors contact. We know that the severity of infection is raised by the virus dose of the carrier, and we know this is likely to be higher in unvaccinated carriers. So I’m not taking the risk, on behalf of myself and anyone outside the household who I might later come in contact with.

By the same token, anyone who comes and stays with us who is a smoker is not going to be permitted to smoke in the house. Anyone who gives me a lift in their car is going to avoid driving like a maniac. Anyone who passes me a knife in the kitchen is going to have to resist the temptation to throw it to me. I don’t recognise these things as fascist, just sensible precautions.


No @peterma, none of us are delusional enough to believe we are immune from this Virus… We’re just not delusional enough to believe that these vaccines will protect us from it… like you…

It appears that both you and @Tommor have finally accepted that these vaccines offer stuff all protection against contracting this Virus or spreading it around… While the vaccines will lower the number of admissions and deaths, it won’t be enough to spin the legitimacy of these vaccines back to full health…

The data is in… The experts and the science are wrong… Live with the virus, not cower away is the new global motto… Admissions and deaths will continue to rise as a percentage of new cases over the coming few months…

It will be interesting to note the levels of the single jabbed and double jabbed indoctrinated compared to the level of marauding unvaccinated heathens that will present in these numbers…

Although the writing is already on the wall, these results will really put the cat amongst the pigeons and show that the vaccination program was nothing more than a knee jerk reaction from Governments that had no real idea what to do…

And a malevolent Pharmaceutical Industry just lying in wait for a profit bonanza from a global pandemic perfect storm.

“Vaccines prevent Long COVID” is the latest breakthrough claim… A final attempt by Governments and Medical experts alike, to restore a little credibility after being played for fools by Big Pharma during an incompetently managed global pandemic.

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I don’t remember ever thinking the vaccine would offer full protection, I don’t think the UK government ever said it would. Least, I hope they didn’t.

I do remember saying to people in the Spring coming out from having their second jabs that we would see them again in the Autumn for a booster. Looks like we will.

As far as long covid is concerned, it looks like this can’t be prevented (or even predicted by age group, medical history etc.) so the only way to avoid long covid is to avoid covid.

The UK Government might not have been game to say it out loud. Liability can be a bitch!

Ignorantly, grappling for circulation… UK Media swallowed Big Pharma’s bait, Hook, Line & Sinker…

Same Media now requires a proctologist after being systematically abused with the Rod.

(UK) BBC 26th February

(UK) The Standard 3rd March

The whole vaccine fallacy has been a scorching case of creeping assertions… Will stop you catching COVID…Will stop the spread… Will slow the spread… Will stop you going to hospital… Will stop you getting real sick while in hospital… Will stop you dyeing… Will stop Long COVID…

For the UK, we’ll know in about 14 days (from July 19), as the British citizens are set free…

Now we’ll really get to see how overhyped these vaccine’s efficacies have been…

I just don’t recall the UK government ever saying that the covid vaccine would stop everyone ever getting covid. It would have been pretty astonishing if they had as as far as I know, no vaccine for any disease has ever been found to be 100% effective.

I recall the message that it would make lots of things less likely - infection, severe illness, hospitalisation, death, transmission, mutant strain development etc. The government’s response here has been nuanced - at times too nuanced to be readily understood.

By contrast, the absolute pronouncements on covid, vaccines etc., have come from less democratically responsible regimes and leaders. There hardly seems a despot who didn’t have a firm opinion on everything to do with this disease. But that’s the way of people like Bolsonaro - they need to be in control of everything and they can’t let anyone challenge them on anything.

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Covid was 24th leading cause of death in England

Covid made up 1% of all deaths

So @tommor you have 23 other things to worry about - start worrying :crazy_face:


Meanwhile I shall be relaxing with a cigarette :rofl: