My post is misinformation? You’ve been posting that PCR inventor Kary Mullis has stated that PCR testing can’t detect SARS-CoV-2. How is that at all possible if the guy died in 2019? You’re taking his comments out of context, and applying them to a completely different set of circumstances. Or at least this Youtube video (and many others) you’re sharing are doing the work for you. He was discussing AIDS and HIV when he made those comments.
PCR development has been innovated on plenty by hundreds of scientists since the 80’s when Mullis invented it. Over 40 years of active development, being done by other people, NOT by this guy.
I appreciate what you share, but I wouldn’t consider Youtube videos “actual data from credible sources”, as you put it and request from me.
Please source this data. Did you create this, because the Israel Ministry of Health dashboard doesn’t have a single spreadsheet like yours visible anywhere.
Could you point me to where they break down confirmed cases by vaccinated versus unvaccinated. I’m not seeing that data.
Did you even read your own post? I would never call it misinformation because there wasn’t any information in it, just wild speculation.
No that isn’t what I have been posting, and I have never stated that anywhere. This is what I actually said. “This raises the question – Is PCR testing fit for diagnosing infection? And the answer from the inventor of the PCR test is no. He stated this many times over his career…”.
Kary Mullis was talking about whether or not PCR testing was fit for diagnosing infection and that does not just mean HIV it means any and all viral infections.
To prevent you putting any more words in my mouth you can read all about the history of the PCR test and the man behind it and the extremely low regard he had for Dr Faucci.
The data is sourced, I am not a translation service. And it isn’t central to the discussion it is just more recent data of ‘vaccinated’ verses ‘unvaccinated’ demonstrating the rising numbers of infections detected in the protected ‘vaccinated’ population, further demonstrating the ineffectiveness of the ‘vaccines’. Israel is a good data source because they have the most vaxxed population and an efficient public health system with good records.
That data is nowhere to be found that I can see. I’d love to see it, and luckily, Google automatically translates. No need for translation service. But nothing related to vaccinated versus unvaccinated.
You didn’t mentioned whether this was your spreadsheet or copied from somewhere else. Are these your numbers?
That’s pretty dramatic news if vaccinated people are being reinfected at such a higher rate than unvaccinated people. I’m sure we’d be hearing it from all media outlets if that were accurate.
I’ve read the history. Hence my statements that decades have gone by with hundreds of other scientists working on and expanding PCR innovations.
I think you should double-check the facts on Mullis and on what he said and didn’t actually say.
That is still besides the point. It is clear that there is an ever increasing number of ‘cases’ among fully vaccinated.
Late June.
Mid July
etc. The only reason you don’t hear more about this is increasing censorship across all media, mainstream and social.
I think you should watch the video and double-check what he actually says.
The fundamentals of PCR testing haven’t changed, Mullis died in August 2019 and never retracted his comments or changed his position about the misuse of PCR tests in all that time. And aside from your completely unfounded speculation on what PCR innovations have occurred in less than two years since his death you have presented nothing to support your argument.
Reports in Australia that the UK has just recorded it’s highest daily death rate in weeks…… This is a total beat up, a setup by the UK-Gov site who have been withholding nearly 14 days of admissions and death numbers and suddenly on the 20th July they are up to date…. And I can prove it!
I touched on it briefly in an earlier post that figures were not in date alignment… New Cases was always a few days behind… but admissions and deaths have been getting further and further behind…
Back in 2020… It’s a slight of hand our Victorian Government played when it need to extend its emergency powers every 90 days…. The numbers would jump 48 hours before the request was made…. Leaving journalists with many WTF moments when say 20 new fatalities would be added to the daily totals from weeks ago…
The UK site data was unfortunately leading the clueless here to believe that admissions and deaths where improving dramatically….
Update… Screenshots from the site below… Hover your mouse over the figure and the information popup will display…
Then miraculously 24 hours after Freedom Day they are up to date…
Even Patients Admitted figures rose a staggering 183 overnight…
The layman noticing such an anomaly might begin to wonder if there is some sort of an agenda going on here… As I have stated before “There is lies, Damn lies and Statistics” and Governments will always use Statistics to push their policies…
The BS from these authorities is simply breathtaking…
Edit: Oh, and just to add to Australia’s vaccination woes… The European Medicines Agency (EMA), the body that evaluates and regulates medicinal products within the EU, has authorized only four vaccines for use. The AstraZeneca vaccine dispensed in Australia is not one of them…
Using the 183 “jump” from the previous day… That could be well over the 1200 “lagging” admittances.
Note only 2000 New Cases in the past 24 hours (Previously 10,000 per day) Lets see if this figure suddenly jumps by 10,000’s in a single day sometime in the next week or so, inline with an unfavorable Government directive…
Perhaps. But that’s the Telegram account, not the dashboard and what I assume to be the primary data source. But perhaps they’re related. We’ll have to wait and see what they do.
And that appears to be the case. Thanks for the articles.
But with a country vaccinating upwards of 80% of its adult population, and breakthrough incidents recorded there and practically everywhere else, doesn’t it make sense that more people who are vaccinated and subject to breakthroughs would make up a statistically higher % of all new infections, especially with the delta variant introducing more complexity for the original vaccines?
I take the position that the vaccines weren’t sold as providing immunity. Preventing transmission, maybe that was assumed by many vaccine takes. But in any case, the vaccines have been effective against the original virus and older variants in my opinion, at reducing severe cases and death.
I’ve watched it. He’s made his statements about “not able to detect infection”. But many others have taken the opposite position. Like other scientists on his team who continued to work on PCR development after he left. And it appears this question of whether PCR works in detecting COVID is making the rounds online.
Not directly related to the video you posted, but still comes to the same conclusion.
This source and multiple others state PCR testing can detect the viral sequencing that is expected of the virus. It’s my understanding that the PCR testing can’t detect whether someone testing positive is infectious. Infected, yes, infectious, no.
As to my “unfounded speculation”, PCR testing has been around for 35 years. If you believe it exists in the same form it did when Mullis invented it in 1983/84, that’s fine. But if you want to do some reading, here you go on comments made by a fellow scientist on the original PCR dev team, as well as notes about innovations made over those years.
The three decades since the first PCR papers were published have seen many improvements, refinements, and modifications that have dramatically increased its analytic capabilities.
Another significant step in PCR evolution was the development of real-time PCR growth curve analysis, based on monitoring the exponential accumulation of PCR product.
Recently, the development of digital PCR, a system of massively parallel PCRs, each initiated with either one or zero target molecules, has made quantitative PCR analyses even more precise
My main immediate political fear on covid in the UK remains the same - that the government will continue to suppress freedoms with the aim of protecting public services, primarily the NHS so that they can deal with the last year’s backlog of procedures, rather than saving lives from being lost to covid.
There are signs that some Conservative MP’s will resist this strongly, led by MP’s like Steve Baker. I can only hope they are successful. I also know that a Socialist government would go straight down this road and enter the UK into a wartime control economy for as long as their term in office, so at least we’re not in that kind of mess. Worth remembering that it was post-WWII Labour administrations that kept rationing in place for almost another 10 years after 1945.
The legal constraints have been lifted so mixing at work etc. is no longer an issue, no distancing, no masks, except in places like hospitals and vaccination centres etc. Also I suppose anywhere else where the employer demands masks and distancing, not that I could name you one. Most shops etc. seem to have decided to request masking but they’re not enforcing it.
It seems employers have not told their office workers to get on the train and come back into the office. Mostly they are still operating using home offices.
Some public transport operators still demand masking.
UK MPs agree the vaccine passport will not apply to them, just the little people and the young…
YouTube vid shows the House of Commons implementation of Rules for thee, but NOT for me…
If UK Citizens fail to understand what a shiteshow these freedom rules and the incoming COVID Passport are about to become… Stay home, shut up, sit down and continue to stare at your wall…
It’s much easier if the work can be done at home - less overheads, no late incoming due to travel issues, one-off investment in tech that will last for a number of years (and help from govt re purchase on same).
Home office will last well into this century and beyond