Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

Some Friday Evening Rocket Science… from CNN… Which a few of us were already well aware!!

“CDC provided data last week that showed how fully vaccinated people who get a breakthrough infection can carry essentially that same amount of virus as an unvaccinated person, allowing them to transmit the virus just like an unvaccinated person can…”

“But what they can’t do (never could!) anymore is prevent transmission.”

And there we have it… from the horses (CDC) mouth… The only thing these vaccines are doing is protecting the vaccinated against severe illness and death – Not minimising the spread…


The UK opened up and let natural immunity do it’s thing… And down those numbers came…


One has to speculate as to what exactly the snowflakes expect it to do ?

WHO CARES IF YOU GET ILL ? Provided you don’t die or have permanent problems !


Some more great information and REAL data confirming the report in the post above from the CDC.

YouTube vid for critical thinkers and those genuinely interested in factual information from 6 month ongoing studies conducted around the Globe.

It runs for 54 mins so for the simple and closed minded… It’s a lot to comprehend in just one sitting and just short of an hour you won’t get back…

Nothing but Facts and Data as usual people… Enjoy…

Note: Now 14.6k views in the last 8 months… Defines it as one of the more popular read threads in BP.

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UK 16 and 17 year olds are now receiving covid vaccinations. They will be contacted by the NHS and offered an appointment. Persons aged over 18 do not need to wait to be contacted, they can make their own appointment or go to a drop-in vaccination centre.

Anyone here under 40 or who is pregnant is usually offered either the Pfizer or Moderna jabs. Others get the Astrazeneca. Later this year the Janssen vaccine will be available also.

None of the vaccines are 100% effective. Its still important to be aware of the risk of contracting covid even after the second vaccination.


A few words from a White Working Class English Man ! - The voice we all recognise but most are not prepared to admit to agreeing with !



Here’s the search ;


Just type https in front of what I posted

I’m not entirely sure whether this blatant censorship is down you U-TUB - or BBPs ? :roll_eyes:


Some open thoughts on this world changing pandemic…

The pharmaceutical giants need people sick to sell them treatments, yet allege they can prevent sickness with vaccines. But vaccines need recipients healthy for full efficacy. So the best candidates for vaccines are asymptomatic CASES.

Asking people to think is considered spreading misinformation…

For example. What’s the science behind being a virus immune disease spreader? Can one be immune and contagious? What variant of protection does vaccination give to ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE who are naturally immune to COVID-19? How does vaccine passport mandate work for ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE?

Is COVID-19 a “gain of function” virus? Are vaccines “gain of function” efficacious? What happened to COVID spread in wild animals? Previously to sell fear, health experts and governments blamed WILD ANIMALS and asymptomatic people for spreading covid-19 a “gain of function” virus.

Revising blame to sell vaccines, their new variant is blaming healthy unvaccinated people for spreading COVID-19 virus. If your biology renders you asymptomatic, what is the benefit being inoculated?

If vaccination can’t trigger your biology to ramp up immunity because your T and B cells are immunocompromised what would be the benefit of inoculation?

“Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease. (For example, measles vaccine contains measles virus, and Hib vaccine contains Hib bacteria.) But they have been either killed or weakened to the point that they don’t make you sick. Some vaccines contain only a part of the disease germ.”

  1. Does vaccination cause immunity? Or does healthy immunoglobulin produced by healthy B and T-cells cause immunity?

  2. What caused immunity in asymptomatic people cited as covid spreaders by WHO and CDC?

  3. Which has taken more lives during the so-called pandemic; COVID related to comorbidities or comorbidities alone?

Government and health experts are expert at dodging and de-emphasising this comparison. CDC’s misinformed. "A vaccine stimulates “YOUR” immune system to “produce antibodies”, EXACTLY LIKE IT WOULD IF YOU WERE EXPOSED to the disease. After getting vaccinated, you develop immunity to that disease, without having to get the disease first.

Basics of Vaccines | CDC No use curing comorbidities. The CURE for COVID-19 is inoculating asymptomatic spreaders and anti-vaxxers. World Health Organisation decreed anti-vaxxers among the top 10 threats to global health.

Are mRNA vaccines “gain of function” RELATED vaccines?

Take WHO/CDC/government prescribed drugs or face proscription, extrication, secession, novel segregation or exile. Unvaccinated people to face exile. Which country is ground zero for the vaccine passport narrative?

Don’t be an ANTi. The Anti’s include anti-vaxxers, anti-chemo for cancer, anti-insulin for diabetes, anti-statin drugs for cholesterol, anti-psychotropic drugs for mental disease, anti-cardio drugs It must be part of a master plan: COVID drugs banned despite efficacy…

TDS has killed millions… History will not be kind to today’s Health and Government leader’s

Note: YouTube holds content creators responsible for miss information in comments so reporting comments gets creators suspended this is why lots have their chat turned off now!


@Trendswithbenefits That interview with Dr. Peter McCullough is quite remarkable. What a difference a simple anti-parasitic, anti-viral like hydroxychloroquine makes.

India: deaths per million <100
United States: deaths per million 800

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I have been vaccinated a few months ago with Janssen and I had zero side effects or reactions. Plus it’s only one dose :slight_smile:


I hear we’re getting Janssen later in the year in the UK through the NHS. I didn’t realise it was one dose. How long does it take to work up to maximum effectiveness, do you know?

Right now we have Astra for the older persons and Pfizer or Moderna for the under-40’s. The CEO of Astra says they think maybe the Astra vaccinated people will not need a third jab. We shall see.

This rightly concerns Alok Sharma and his disregard for covid restrictions and preventive measures. Such behaviour from a person taking part in the setting and enforcement of such restrictions is absolutely unacceptable because it undermines the restrictions themselves. Importantly it undermines the choices a large mass of the population can make as to whether to treat such restrictions seriously or ignore them.

The leftist and media criticism of his air travel on greenhouse gas emission grounds is however spurious. It would make no difference to climate warming if a government minister took an international flight every day of his life. Air travel for the rest of us is not highly discretionary; its hard to cut back on your air miles if you only fly out of the UK once a year. So if he cancelled his flights to encourage the rest of us, who would he really be encouraging? Nobody.

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@tommor, these restriction hypocrisies are happening all over the world… Hence the popularity of the “Rules for thee and not for me” constantly used by social media…

Seriously, in the UK, your last Health Minister Matt Hancock ended up on his sword because of his display of mask and social distancing hypocrisy…

Maybe these guys now something that they aren’t letting global citizens know? Maybe it’s all just a charade and so are “immune” to the fear mongering and COVID stupidity that most fall for on a daily basis…

Astra is getting bad publicity all over the world… The last thing the CEO is going to admit to is that their vaccine doesn’t have the efficacy they told you and so we need a third shot…

Would blow them out of the water…

“I cannot wait until we get to the point when the 3 jab indoctrinated eventually turn on the 2 jab recipient’s”


huh, I honestly don’t know… the regulation here is that after 14 days after received the vaccine you are able to go everywhere, cross the border without a problem, etc. So I am guessing 14 days?

Yeah, the part with only one dose is the best. But I got lucky that I got it because at that time it was a gamble which one will they have at the time of your appointment.

Looks like 15 days

How long does it take for protection to kick in?

With all three vaccines, immunity builds over a few weeks after immunization. Data from Johnson & Johnson show that most vaccinated trial participants had a robust immune response 15 days after getting the shot, with significant protection reached by day 29.


@dudebro… Finally… someone from the otherside of this COVID19 mass debate, who backs up their claims with actual official published data… :+1:

I haven’t looked into the J&J vaccines as the trial 1 & 2 data is just coming to light…

The Novavax Vaccine for COVID is one of the only vaccines that completed significant stage 3 trials across the globe… It’s also a single shot inoculation that uses existing vaccine technology… A big selling point for the critical thinkers out there…

NOT being an Anti Vaxxer I am starting to research this type for the day I will be mandated into the mass psychotic state that most believe is the only reality forward…

Vaccinate under 18’s? “Yeah, let’s throw another child into the fire…So Grandma doesn’t get Cold…”


How’s this press conference from the Governor of Florida… Practical and transparent with his policies for combating this pandemic… Even under withing fire from moronic bed wetting leftist critics…

This is how Government should explain policy to global citizens… Not the daily dog and pony shows from the usual fear mongering lockdown and economy destroying protagonistic moronic leaders and unelected lemmingesk experts that have floated to the surface during this ongoing pandemic…

Not really, the main difference is that the spike protein isn’t created in your own cells.

It uses the same spike protein but it is grown externally using a genetically engineered moth cell line. They filter and process the spike protein out of tanks where the cells are grown and put that into vials for distribution. So it isn’t any more traditional than the other covid shots. I think the jargon for this is sub-unit vaccines (the sub-unit being the ‘spike protein’).

The real problem with these experimental treatments is that the spike protein is a toxin and causes a wide variety of problems in a small but significant number of participants.

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@Student05, appreciate the info, you’re right on top of the biology of these vaccines… Cheers

Still have a lot of research to do before I submit to a Jab of Reality Distortion…


Now even Professor Sir (See, I’m Relevant) Andrew Pollard Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group now believes that herd immunity is no longer possible through vaccination…

Startling revelation for some, No shite Shirlock moment for others…

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell


Back in June/July UK scientists were reporting the probability of not reaching the 14th century concept of herd immunity - "We might never reach herd immunity" was a headline on wired July 2nd -"The Delta variant is putting hopes of reaching herd immunity at risk, but every vaccination will still have a huge impact"

This is exactly the same message as Sir Andrew Pollard gave yesterday, he went on to say "We know very clearly with coronavirus that this current variant, the Delta variant, will still infect people who have been vaccinated and that does mean that anyone who’s still unvaccinated, at some point, will meet the virus,"

What Sir Andrew is saying in a nutshell is that we cannot rely on herd immunity for protection in the future.

Not really a -

Just a bit of common sense perhaps.

Wow… What a revolutionary concept! It’s what some of us have been arguing since February 2021, back when you still believed the vaccines were going to be the miracle cure to all that is COVID…

It’s only taken till June/July for the clueless to concede that it’s not going to work… Like telling a patient that their treatment has failed and have reached stage four of the Cancer… TOO LATE!


Another balanced opinion backed up with data about the rise (and possible fall) of the Delta Variant…

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche PhD’s prediction that a leaky vaccine approach to contain the Virus, will eventually drive the development of vaccine resistant variants is displaying in the latest data…

Even the late to the party Professor Sir Andrew Pollard of the Oxford Vaccine Group gets an honorable mention and has press release put into factual context… Unlike the previous erroneous post…

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear…”
George Orwell


The above is my actual quote back in Feb 21 and remains true today -

No mention of ‘miracle cure’ yet you mention ‘truth’ in your post.

Framing the common and well established principle of herd immunity as an archaic and presumably outdated principle is a debating tactic know as “poisoning the well”. The extremely recent redefining of the word vaccine (21-01-2021 Merriam Webster online dictionary) by The WHO and other NGOs to include genetically engineered “vaccines” does not make them vaccines and the abject failure of the new experimental gene therapy “vaccines” to prevent infection and transmission should make it obvious that these treatments do not work and viable existing alternatives should be the main focus of treatment. It has also been proven that naturally acquired immunity is superior by order of magnitudes to the gene therapy “vaccines”.

There are safe and effective treatments that have been proven in overcoming the Indian variant (Delta) in India with a far better health outcome overall than the USA. (Watch the second video, it’s only 4 minutes.)

India: deaths per million <100
United States: deaths per million 800

Herd Immunity can never be reached with a ‘vaccine’ that doesn’t work, can’t work, and will never work no matter how many boosters or 'mix ‘n match’ jabs you take. The only viable path to herd immunity is to let nature takes its course, and treat the tiny minority that get sick with proven and safe medications.

Sooner or later common sense will prevail.

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