Political Opinion

Wikipedia proposes to delete records of Nobel prize winners


Ethnicity and Nobel Prizes; a clue to the heritability of intelligence? - YouTube

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I note that our resident team of trolls have deleted their reply to my question;


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I replied that it might be the father wasn’t good and didn’t want to be involved in the boy’s life; I added that I don’t know the answer to that question, and you do not know either since you ask the question. So why worry about something you don’t know?. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Falstaff, Look in the mirror when you wonder why you are the way you are

Remember weak men create hard times

Of course I know and I’ve already told you in that other thread your team are also trolling in order to disrupt and prevent civilised discussion of serious events ;

It's the Culture, Not the Guns - YouTube

In this particular instance the boy also had a stutter - which was a further cause of his being bullied

However in your defence I note that that post was at a different time of day - so I suppose it was probably a different member of your Trolling Team who dealt with that one and so you wouldn’t even have read it ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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and you will be right, while 99% of mass shootings committed by whites are based on race or religion, and not getting their way, making them terrorist acts against their country

Weak men create hard times


Total Garbage - PROVE IT !

And Learn to understand freaking English before you try to argue with the grown ups !


Oh and btw - he was Not “White”

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Get your head out of the sand, Falstaff; stop pointing fingers and start learning that weak men make hard times harder

Pure Garbage again - with a single objective in view ;


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Oh falstaff, I can tell when I have really hit home with the nature of the man you are

Guns will never be banned, but this is a great idea for weak men in case guns were to be banned

Don Trump Jr. Suggests Uvalde Shooter Could Have Killed 19 Kids With A ‘Bat’

In an incredible display of utter tastelessness, Donald Trump Jr. insisted in a rage-fueled video on social media Saturday that the Uvalde mass shooter could have killed 19 children and two teachers with a “bat.”

Assault rifles are being stigmatized when “screwed up people” are the real issue, he railed in a Facebook video.

These days are perhaps the greatest window for leadership many of us have seen in our lifetime. On the back-end of difficulty is the opportunity, not exploitative opportunity, but the chance to see courage, wisdom, innovation, and character ignited by a crisis and the need for men and women of grit and tenacity to rise above the abyss.

nevermore truer words, but I would argue the “Good People” this time are not turning a blind eye, Facebook, Google, and babypips trolls can try to silence us but it will not work this time

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So, what are the options?

Complaining without solutions leads nowhere, or could lead to?

Google, Facebook, Amazon - The rise of the mega-corporations | DW Documentary

When you tell bs propaganda you get called out for it, There can be no substitute for truth

You can start your blame game from the words below, dennis.

Moreira’s defense attorney told the court that Moreira suffers from drug and alcohol issues. “He’s been trying to find a job but does not have a job” said Moreira’s attorney.

I hate you all so much’ Cape Cod man arraigned for Facebook threat to shoot up a school

Dennis, the universe has already granted your wish before you wish it. Grab your popcorn and continue watching the show because you won’t be here for the end, in order for the next group of countries to have their glory days on earth the first group must self destruct, thanks for contributing.

Stocks are crashing this morning, DOW is down 800 as I post this, new yearly lows could be just hours away, National average Gas price is now above $5 a gallon a new all-time high, food inflation will be over 50% this year. But thank god for our lord and savors the US congress as they are rightfully ignoring the suffering of the American people and focused on what is most important ( in their eyes) Jan 6th

Bring in the Trolls


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GOP Candidate Carl Paladino Calls Adolf Hitler ‘The Kind Of Leader We Need Today’

ASHINGTON ― Republican House candidate Carl Paladino praised Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s ability to rouse “the crowds” and declared Hitler “the kind of leader we need today” in a February 2021 interview on the radio station WBEN in Buffalo, New York.

This is what weak uneducated men resort to, the same power they cry for is the same power they once enjoyed.

Good luck with that, the same power they cry for is the same power they once enjoyed.

A prominent part of the Jan. 6 hearings, right-wing groups like Proud Boys seek to build a white nation

these and other extreme right-wing groups believe that the U.S. government, as currently constituted, is illegitimate and should be overthrown and replaced with one that is based on white supremacy.

My Pride Week T-shirt,
