Thanks for that @petefader - alays god to hear a different perspctive - I watched what the same guy had to say about ‘black lives matter’ 3 years before too.
Interesting to hear from the older vid I watched as to “Who is running Black Lives”
I agree with you entirely there mate.
Thing is there’s no single source (as with many of these complex issues) - but we can see a precursor perhaps in the ‘Evergreen College Riots’ which could have cost Bret Weinstein his life and which shows the end result of the pursuit of “Equality” and giving in to deranged demands ! - It is discussed along with many of teh other “wierd stuff” of our time - by Bret Weinstein and Douglas Murray (Author of “Madness oof Crowds”) - if you do watch it mate - don’t end it early !
And Stefan Molyneux - is about as “Up to speed” on it as anybody - Here’s 3 different perspectives - Moyneux on “the riots” and the rest on causaity and results
And finally a thread from bbp - 3rd and 4th vids are also explanatory and quite remarkable !