Political Opinion

That is a pretty slim margin and do they have a clue as to what Statehood would mean, I doubt it , As a territory and not state they have the best of both worlds

Another thing is all the rich people using Puerto Rico as a tax haven, if they get statehood all that money will leave the Island causing a missive depression


I think you are correct, just as diaper boy probable has pictures of Donald Trump in his bathroom,


I do not watch any mainstream media, and do not read the half truth often flat out lies, 100% propaganda put out by yahoo, so why some people think cut and pasting it here is accomplishing any thing is a mystery.

As I have said before, they should start their own thread for posting all this media propaganda there and leave this thread to those who would like to have a real conversation


there is nothing real about your conversation it’s all propaganda to fit your personal narrative ( factual or imagined )

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Yes, Individualism v/s Collectivism! Patriots choose Individualism. :smile:


Thanks Small Paul - I’m going to save that in my file - it just encapsulates Postmodernism doctrine so well - where did you get the reference ? I’d like to read the book :sunglasses:

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That’s actually very observant QP - thanks !

This sort of comment is nonsensical. If it is factual it’s factual nothing imaginative about it. If it is imagined then it becomes a perceived bias and may or may not be factual.



i didn’t know he was a man by the way he acts i thought he was a she :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :face_with_monocle:

Oh come on i love all you guys and women :v:

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they only lover america when it fits their personal agenda other than that they hate america.

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Here’s a “patriot” doing his “duty” to investigate election fraud.

Rammed a truck, pulled the driver out at gun point, and, what did he find… AC parts. What a big ole conspiracy.

Oh yeah, hired by GOP mega donor/activist. Not a good look.

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Trump supporters are going crazy, make sure you protect yourself from those idiots

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your welcome :ok_hand: