Saxo Forex options

Is there anyone out there trading Forex Options with Saxo?

Saxo is a highly respected broker, with a up to date trading platform. Worth trying out a demo account with them.

They’ve been around for at least 20+ years. Not sure how ownership has changed, and age isn’t an indication of “will do no harm”, but they are regulated by the FCA in the UK.

The reason I’m asking is that I want to trade Forex options and Saxo is the only one that offers so many options but I don’t really understand how it is working.

Hopefully, these threads will help

You mean options trading, or the broker platform itself?

The broker platform regarding to forex option trading and how they pay premium when you sell a call option and things like that.

I think you’ll find plenty of stuff here.

Forex Options


Hello. Thank you for sending me these courses. But these courses explain how option trading is working in general which I already know. My problem is that I don’t understand how your system pays premium and the strike price exercise method with FX options. For example I sold a call option for a strike price and at date it didn’t hit the strike price but the contract was exercised and i couldn’t understand why and in account demo balance it didn’t say how much premium I got by selling the call option. I hope you answer my question here.