School of Pipsology Progression (GRADUATED šŸŽ“)

C0ngratulations mate. Good luck and happy trading.

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Aww. :blush: I love this! Haha. :slight_smile: I think youā€™re doing a great job and I hope you keep the passion going as you continue on with the school. :smiley: It can get a bit more complicated from here but donā€™t be shy to just ask away if thereā€™s anything thatā€™s confusing for you. :blush:


Good job. Try opening a demo account and start playing around!

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Great start on your journey through the School of Pipsology! Keep it up and donā€™t hesitate to ask questions along the way.

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Thanks man!

Well to shoot a question and answer @dushimes

When would it be a good time to open a demo account?

I would have to pick a broker, get really familiarized with the process of everything, (really no experience or knowledge at this current juncture with trading, morely still learning terms and what trading is) and well, actually being demoing.

Since Iā€™m taking the School of Pipsology course; Is there a point during the course that would be optimal to start demoing?

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The choice is yours, but I think itā€™s a good idea to start messing around with charts and practicing the things youā€™re learning. Thereā€™s no risk because itā€™s just demo.

Hit buttons, draw lines, apply indicators, open and close positions. Trade 0.01 lots or bet the farm. See how it goes! Itā€™s the real market, but fake money. Have fun!

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Thats a whole wealth of information!

Wow canā€™t thank you enough. Choosing the correct broker seems to be one of the most important decisions in this journey, that is evident. Iā€™ll definitely dive in and start researching!

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The search function is your friend. Thereā€™s tons of questions already answered. Also, consider starting a journal thread. You can post trade ideas, share your strategy and get feedback.

I personally think opening a demo account whilst your doing the course will distract you from your learning. When I was going through the School of Pipsology I had a demo account open, after each lesson I thought, great, I can go try all these new skills Iā€™ve just learnt on my demo account. The result was pretty much always losing trades. Thatā€™s because the learning doesnā€™t stop until the very last lesson, and without all the lessons you havenā€™t learnt enough! So for me, the demo account was a huge distraction and if anything it was detrimental to my learning.

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I got a demo account early. I just got antsy not being able to trade. I wanted to get that first trade out even without necessarly knowing everything I needed to.


Thanks for sharing.

This maybe the course of action I take. Taking this process a step at a time and not rushing regardless of my goals can only make me a better trader.

Did you do the ā€œDo Not Lose Money Declaration?ā€

I remember actually putting my hand on my heart and saying: ā€œI will demo trade until I develop a solid, profitable system before I trade with real money.ā€ Then I touched my head with my index finger and said: ā€œIā€™m a smart and patient forex trader.ā€ :laughing:

Iā€™m going through the Undergraduate Junior lessons now, and I like this topic you made. I was thinking of doing something similar, but I just kept it to myself in my notebook. Thanks for posting your progress. Iā€™m looking forward to your updates.


Yes I did the declaration :joy: :joy: :joy:

And thank you, this topic not only allows me to take accountability but constantly get feedback on where I am and get help when needed through the course.


Iā€™m in the camp of start demoing pretty much straight away. Or at least open a demo account, even if you donā€™t intend to enter any trades. I found being able to try out the various indicators being taught in a real life environment helped me figure out which ones I liked using and which I didnā€™t. It also helped cement some of the teachings being able to watch live price action and how it affected/was affected by various factors.

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To be honest, youā€™ll probably end up doing the course again anyway. Everything makes more sense the second time around.

Thatā€™s what I did.

Just do what you think is best for you!


Great minds think alike. If you need an accountability partner, I think weā€™ll make a great team. We can help each other stay on track on the path to financial freedom.


Iā€™m in my man!

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Yup its a blur the first time around. Thereā€™s so much to read and try to understand, and then when you get into actually trading, you find the rules arenā€™t strict, and thereā€™s gray area, and a lot of answers are ā€œit dependsā€. The market is always changing, so you need to change with it. And the more you trade and study and experience the live markets you start to understand more what people were trying to say to you before.

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Letā€™s goooooooo!

ā€œIf you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.ā€

That can be the motto for our team. The name of our team can be IldĆ”nach which means the Skilled God. Itā€™s one of the nicknames of Lugh who is my favorite god from Celtic Mythology. You can learn more about him here:

Lugh ā€“ Mythopedia


What do you think? Let me know if you have other ideas.

May Lugh bless us and inspire us as we master the skills on our journey to financial freedom.


That sounds interesting. Whatā€™s your plan?

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