Shorting eur/usd


I hear (see) on Bloomberg TV that Merkel and Sarkozy are having ANOTHER meeting today to discuss the Euro.

I’d say that’s a ‘no brainer’ (to short the pair wouldn’t you)??? ROFLOL!!!



Hi Dale,

I am very late to all of this (I took Christmas/NY off this year, only just back into my trading now) - and I know deep down that I probably oughtn’t bother posting in this thread again, but I can’t help it! - you have done a good job, as ever, of trying to find some common ground and defuse the sparks in this thread, and it is very rare for me to agree with you, but I felt I had to pick you up on this point: I don’t think that it was the title of the thread that sparked the confrontational section of this thread, but rather Judith throwing around accusations of sexism. There was some sensible feedback on the original thrust of the thread, which then dried up when Judith chose to be unpleasant about it.

And to address your final line (at least, the final line of the part I have quoted!), whatever the extent of Judith’s experience, regardless of how quickly she can pay of a mortgage, and regardless of how wealthy her father is, none of that excuses the bizarre departure into accusations of sexism. Indeed, if all of those accomplishments in life have given Judith a wider outlook on life than the ‘average’ person perhaps has, then it might even make it worse that she chose to bring bigotry into it.

In terms of the original, trading thrust of Judith’s first post, for me this boils down to the difference between trading styles, to the difference between trading and investing, and the difference between timeframes. It is perfectly possible to have a strategic view that any given pair is going to fall over the next period of weeks/months/years/whatever period, but that can often be quite different from the trading opportunities that that pair will throw up. I shorthanded much of my view here by ‘liking’ a number of Jay’s posts, but (like you lol!) I struggle to resist a ramble, sometimes, so will add that while I absolutely see the fundamental case for a week Euro (I would hope that most non-traders who buy the odd newspaper can do that lol) I have taken both long and short trades on the Euro over the life of this thread and have made money at both.

So for me, while I did not agree with the simplicity of the situation as originally presented by Judith, this thread only became one of ‘those’ threads that are recently so sullying BP’s focus when Judith started accusing the community of things that were simply not there.

I am surprised that a couple of people came out in defence of her position, but I guess we all of us read things differently.

Whatever else is true, I think that it would have been nice for Judith to apologize for the unpleasant element in her posting, and do not think that simply listing one’s achievement away from trading has much relevance (between us on here we doubtless have an impressive range of achievements - it does not give us carte blanche to be nasty to one another, hopefully?).

Anyway, sorry Dale but I had to disagree with you on that one. Judging by the last year or so it will be a while before we disagree again so I’m sure we can get past this lol!!



There’ll never be a problem between you and I. Nothing to worry about there.

I’m pleased you’re back. A LOT has happened since you’ve been on holiday (most of it amusing, some of it NOT so funny at all). For one thing: I should have ‘done like you’ and stayed away from trading until today i.e. I got myself a new ‘ars*hole ripped open’ when the US Futures opened and gapped up after being closed for trading at year end while the EU indices had had about a 24-hour ‘head start’!!! LOL!!! I managed to ‘square off’ but not by any methods I’m proud of (and, well, then, stopped trading until today). But if you ‘scout around’ there’s MORE than enough ‘entertainment’ to keep you in ‘stitches’ for a good few days!!! LOL!!!

Personally (and on the subject of this PARTICULAR thread): I think we should ALL ‘kiss and make up’. It would seem that both Judith and I made money going short and staying short while others made money both ways. My short was small and based only on my current testing of my (Wilder’s) Adam Theory. So basically: we all came out ‘good’ (just that some came out more ‘good’ than others is all). Put it this way: I’ve seen and read FAR worse things posted by some disgusting (and possibly ‘borderline insane’) individuals on these threads than has happened here!!! LOL!!! Frankly: I don’t know how THIS one got THIS far ‘out of hand’.

And besides: I’ve got to ‘cover my bases’ here you know. I’m tired of being on my own. Judith may be Jessica (that’s just a ‘hint’ of one or more of the ‘funniest threads that you ever did see’ that have been ‘doing the rounds’ during the ‘silly season’ and while you’ve been away), she’s a trader, she seems to have her head ‘scrwed on the right way’, doesn’t seem to take 'sht’ from anybody, obviously makes money, and her father is a millionaire. For all I know: she could be Britney Spears ‘incognito’!!! LOL!!! If any of the above is true: who’s ‘side’ do you think I’m going to take??? ROFLOL!!!

Welcome back Mr. Bond!!! LOL!!!



The culprit lies imho there:

To say that trading is a “no brainer” and even more in attacking others with sexism. As simple as that. That a short was a no brainer that time was for a day trader for sure a bad advice. Because it went up. And, even considering long term trading it is really not a good advice to say going short is a no brainer if at least a pullback is overdue.

This thread is very soon going to become a ‘runner up’ (second only to leandar’s)!!! LOL!!!



Hi Dale,

Sorry to hear that the festive trading was something of a roller coaster, and glad that you came out okay overall, even if you did have to employ some quick and dirty methods to get there.

I have noticed today that there are a few slightly chaotic threads around, suddenly, maybe it’s the strange markets at this time of year that have caused it? Entertaining though some of it is, I hope it gets back to normal soon.

Tired of being on your own? I don’t get the Jessica reference, but I think that there are far better sources of companionship out there than this thread! Even Britney Spears has her bad days.

And thank you for the welcome - hopefully this year will mark some sort of market stability compared with what we saw in 2011…?!

I’ve just started reading back in on that one - don’t know whether to laugh or cry!



Yeh well: at least I didn’t start the new year negative or broke!!! LOL!!!

Well here’s two ‘festive threads’ (aside from leandar’s of course) that should entertain you and give clarity to the ‘Jessica reference’:


Well: at least we all had a good time while you were away!!! LOL!!!



Avoid going negative or broke for long enough and we generally figure out how to move in the right direction. Only one trade so far this year for me (this morning, actualyl), so I am +1% for 2012 so far and very happy with that.

Thank you for the two links (he said, with slightly heavy heart…!).


HEyyya ST.

Hope you had a really good Christmas and New Year.

Nice to see you back here.

In regards to your posting above, it was the first post that I found …“funny” would not be the apt word. Masked is more like it.

She should have just asked if its a good idea to short the pair now. Or would anyone here consider a short etc etc etc.

I stopped posting here after giving my opinion that I have had most of the guys here help me out with my trading and they have never behaved in a way that made me feel its a boys club.

But than reading her last reply, it has confirmed my initial feeling I got of her, reading her first reply.

Too big of an ego to be seen as a newbie or to have made a mistake. Thats what I got from reading the first sentence of the first post.

Sooo… Are we going for oil or mud (wrestling)???



No, the really funny thing is that you’ve gone long at 1.2980 (as seen here) and EURUSD is currently at 1.2770.
But it’s ok … I needed the liquidity for yet another quick-grab.

lol, before you get annoyed … I was just ribbing you a bit, since this seems to be the thread to do that.

In the long run (pun intended) you’re right, of course: EUR will start the long climb up again … but until then, the trend’s mah buddy.


The p.c. term would probably be ‘FX-Persons Honorary Member’ … but if it ever gets changed to that, I sure as hell will stop posting at 999 and get a fresh account. :smiley:

Every trader need liquidity LOL I like that one ![/QUOTE]

Bearing in mind the main contestant’s gender, the beer’s brand name is even funnier … first word I looked at, in that post.

Now wait a minute.

Don’t you think us 'good ‘ol boys’ are going just a ‘tad’ too far here??? Unless I’m misunderstanding something here BIG time: ‘the punishment doesn’t fit the crime’ (if there was a ‘crime’ committed at ALL by ANYONE that is). I mean: as some of you know I’ve ‘overstepped the mark’ BIG time on one or two occassions and got what I DESERVED given the ‘severity of the crimes (posts)’. But if I’m reading the last couple of posts ‘right’: then I think we’re ‘pushing the envelope’ on this one. If I’m wrong: well then ‘carry on at your own leisure’.



I wouldn’t see it in quite such a serious light, Dale.
To me, this thread had entertainment value only from the second the sexism allegation was made.
And we all know how it is with ‘fun threads’ … it’s really hard to refrain from just adding one more, just like it’s hard to open a bag of chips and eat exactly 20 only, leaving the rest for the following day. (Yes, having hit age 40, I gotta watch the weight a bit … never thought I’d see this sad day. :D)

… and the damn chips bag is empty, too; hope I got another one somewhere, hehe.


Lol. It’s not only with eating chips. For some it’s overtrading. They can’t stop … Trading either til account is 100% in profit every day or completely wiped out, lol. :smiley:

Hehe, yes, I can understand that.
I have difficulty, too, sometimes, to just call it a day after having reached my planned profit or after having lost my permitted maximum … I either want to make more (coz it’s going so well) or make up for losses (coz it can’t be bad all the time).
Those are the times I really have to force myself to read a book, call up some friend or do whatever it takes to not launch MT4 again.

Maybe MT4 installation should come with a Government Warning, like they print on cigarette packs …
[I]Warning! Trading can be highly addictive and may harm yourself or those close to you![/I]



Hey listen:

How come nobody ‘liked’ my ‘Sooo… Are we going for oil or mud (wrestling)???’ post??? You know (if the posts are taken in context): Nikitafx and Judith ‘going at it’ (‘chick fight’)??? What??? Was it in bad taste or did it just ‘go over your heads’??? LOL!!!



if someone doing so, he surely earned some good pips. actually it’s possible for those who had a long-term trend analysis for EURUSD.

however even most senior traders would not risk to put a lot of fund to deal if there are many uncertain factors.

This thread (and these forums) need a bit of ‘livening up’:

It closed (at Deltastock) on 15/12/2011 @ 1.3014.


