What are the Deposit and Withdraw Option of FOREX.COM

I’m a Indian Citizen and Forex is Banned in India as Far I know. So, is Forex.com is Offshore?

@FOREX.com expecting your reply.

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Hi @Akshaylal,

While FOREX.com does not have an office in India, you are welcome trade through one of our registered entities which are regulated in major financial centers around the world by the following bodies:

  • Unites States (Commodity Futures Trading Commission and National Futures Association)
  • United Kingdom (Financial Conduct Authority)
  • Japan (Financial Services Agency)
  • Hong Kong (Securities and Futures Commission)
  • Australian Securities and Investment Commission
  • Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
  • Investment Industry Regulatory Organisation of Canada
  • Monetary Authority of Singapore

Based on your location, FOREX.com UK could be the best fit. Trading with an FCA-regulated entity would mean your funds are segregated in accordance with UK client money rules and protected for up to 50,000 GBP by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Furthermore, FOREX.com UK can provide you with access to trade commodities (Oil), indices (S&P) and cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) in addition to the currencies (Euro) and metals (Gold) you can trade through FOREX.com US*.

You can see details of the deposit and withdrawal options for FOREX.com UK here: http://on.forex.com/2Ia9DY7

*Spot bitcoin trading is not available to FOREX.com US clients at this time, but US residents now have access to bitcoin futures trading.

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Ok, that’s interesting

so why do so many indians trade forex then ?
i find that the majority of traders are indians

A 2016 survey found that the 5 largest countries in terms of number of forex trading were, US, UK, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. I find the last one odd, as Hong Kong isn’t a country so surely that should read ‘China’.
These 5 accounted for 77% of all forex trading

strangely… i did a bit of research around a week ago as per THE COUNTRIES THAT HAVE THE LARGEST POPULATIONS

  • India literally makes up around 70% or so of the worlds population… Now if you stop and think about this for a second you might say (as i did) WHAT THE HELL.

  • Here’s another one, they predict that in around 50 years time India’s population will account for around 93% of the world’s population.
    ok, i’m betting that in 150 years… THE EARTH is called INDIA LOL

  • CHINA comes in second

  • India and china combined account for around 91% of the world

by comparison the USA is aroun 1.3% of the bloody world , it’s nuts when you think about it

so now when you consider (According to you) that US, UK, Japan an China (Not Bloody hong kong, what idiot put that in) account for the worlds highest number of 4X traders… that’s just weird

Not sure where your getting your numbers from Martin



like i said

I’m not saying it’s 100% Accurate by any means. it looked like a reputable site at the time
i took it with a grain of salt, but i accepted what it said anyway to a degree

so , we are not talking about hardcore facts here that have been verified and the srutinized and signed by the president in triplicate to verify them

i’m just talking about an FYI, something that i saw that was a bit of an eye opener for me.
do i care to re research this … Nope, couldn’t give a rats
i just thought i’d mention what i saw… that’s all

No worries, you’re right to take what you see on the Internet with a pinch of salt, so much if it is inaccurate at best

if you want my opinion on it , i spent around 10mins saying to myself… NO Way, No bloody way… No way in the world hehe
then i figured… hey … it might be true
so i took it with a grain of salt and took it as a maybe
that’s all it was

Sounds like one of those “overheard but misheard” things, maybe?

I think 17%, not 70%, surely?

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Quite right, @eddieb :thumbsup:

To address another point of confusion, the data you found were from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). They publish a survey of the forex industry every three years, so the next one will come out in 2019. Here is the complete report from 2016: Triennial Central Bank Survey of foreign exchange and OTC derivatives markets in 2016

The five places you mentioned (the UK, the US, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan) are global currency hubs. Below is a useful chart from The Telegraph.

That means forex market participants around the world ultimately have the bulk of their liquidity provided by banks in these major financial centers either directly as is the case with larger forex brokers like us or indirectly as is the case with the smaller forex brokers, individual retail traders and institutional traders who are clients of FOREX.com and our parent company GAIN Capital through its GTX division.

We discuss this flow of liquidity from the interbank market makers* to large forex brokers (market makers like FOREX.com) to smaller forex brokers and retail traders in this post: Who is the counterparty in an exchange?

*“In order to be considered an interbank market maker, a bank must be willing to make prices to other participants as well as asking for prices. The minimum size for an interbank deal is $5 million, but most transactions are much larger, and can top $1 billion in a single deal. Among the largest players are Citicorp and JP Morgan Chase in the United States; Deutsche Bank in Germany; and HSBC in Asia.” - Interbank Market Definition


Thanks for that, the website I got this from didn’t name the original source (bit naughty), nor did it give as much detail as you.

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No No mate, definitely not that low
closer to 70 or 80 i assure you

Wikipedia, or any other site with population-figures, will help you, Martin. Charlie’s right - it’s about 17%. :wink:

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China=21% ?
But China population>India population according to Earth ;_:

I guess we can trust Google

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I checked your Deposit and Withdrawal Option.
I’m afraid my bank will cancel my Card if I directly use on your site. (I have seen many such cases)
Don’t you accept Skrill/Paypal?

Hi @Akshaylal,

We don’t support either of those funding methods at this time but will update you if that changes.

Can you do a bank wire transfer instead?

ok, well ill put it another way then
i saw what i saw 100%, no question about it

however it is possible that the information was incorrect, like i said it struck me as strange as well and i didn’t do deep research
but i did see it correctly there is no question there, but … whatever, i mean that was a passing bit of trivita really