Can everyone share your music for trade?

Do have any music recommended to listen while trading ?

I’m not listen music much
Only Yaosibi and some relax song




Thank you for sharing this ><

Id say listen to music from the country of the pair your trading :smiling_face:, in my case final fantasy 9 piano music since i mainly trade the yens.

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Ha! That’s a lot of the same topic about music. :sweat_smile:

That’s some way to look at it, huh!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:laughing: Wow. This many times eh…

Lmao, this thread keeps popping back up every once in a while :joy:

i don’t but i think it’s an excellent tools to keep you in the good mood while trading. i think something like ocean, nature to keep your mind calm.

Haha That’s a unique strategy :smile:

The music I use depend on situation. When market is attractive I will listen to Two Steps From Hell.

When market is slow, I listen to Linkin Park to keep motivation :rofl: