
Trader Meetups Looking for like-minded trader friends? Find “local” traders that share your trading interests and arrange a get together over a coffee or a Skype session. The Honorary Members’ Club Also known as the HMC, this is where you’ll find our most active and loyal members. We’ll feature them here one by one! Can't get enough of their golden nuggets of trading wisdom? Then be sure to follow their every word here! Community Feedback Share your feedback and ask questions here. Report any bugs you find as well, and if you have any suggestions to improve the website or community, let us know. We're always looking to improve! Announcements This just in! When we've got something important to tell you, we'll post it here for all to read. This includes new website features, policy changes, random shout-outs and secrets to the universe. Trader Q&As Q&As shouldn’t just be for forum members! If you’re a trader with a lot of wisdom and experience to share - or perhaps you know someone who is, a Q&A interview format is most welcome here! Member Spotlight Meet some of our community's greatest contributors, offering insight into their own experiences and perspectives on Forex trading. You may have seen them here on our Forums, on our Facebook page or even from our Twitter community! It’s about time we all grow our network! Introduce Yourself Here's your chance! Tell us a little about yourself: Who are you? Where in the world are you from? Do you have any background in trading? What do you hope to get out of Welcome to the community!
Topic Replies Views Activity
29 22683 October 8, 2023
7 11021 March 21, 2024
1 66 September 19, 2024
5 184 September 19, 2024
9 555 September 18, 2024
18 5188 September 18, 2024
9 659 September 17, 2024
4 348 September 17, 2024
3 278 September 17, 2024
6 425 September 17, 2024
3 364 September 13, 2024
9 644 September 13, 2024
7 521 September 11, 2024
219 74897 September 10, 2024
4 365 September 10, 2024
3 309 September 10, 2024
3 418 September 5, 2024
7 626 September 3, 2024
4 283 September 3, 2024
5 382 September 3, 2024
12 3811 September 1, 2024
11 782 August 29, 2024
3 312 August 27, 2024
8 1923 August 27, 2024
10 754 August 20, 2024
9 826 August 20, 2024
4 430 August 20, 2024
18 1688 August 15, 2024
6 589 August 13, 2024
7 904 August 13, 2024